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Friday, February 16, 2018

Da Quiz

Last night shortly before turning in I got a fb post from Beagles. 

Google is not allowing me to log into Blogger or my email account. They say that they don't recognize my computer and want to send me a verification code by text message, but I don't have a cell phone. I am going to have to phone them and try to talk to live person. Maybe tomorrow.

I wished him luck and told him maybe we could do some kind of workaround using one of our cellphone numbers or he could send me his post through fb messenger and I could post it for him.  In the meantime we will just have to wait and see.  Since his gmail is gone our only source of information will be through fb, though I assume he can read the blog,

There are indeed signs in the city telling people not to feed the birds.  When my sister and I are having lunch outdoors there are always birds looking on hungrily and I indulge them with some crumbs even though my sister says that when the gendarmes haul me off she won't be going my bail.

But I expect they have better things to do, and sure enough I read an article last year where the cops said they had better things to do and maybe they would give you a warning, but that would be it, unless you gave them some lip or they didn't like the cut of your jib and then it would be a nightstick massage.  They didn't actually say that last part, but I wanted to make the whole thing more colorful.

There used to be a pigeon man.  He had a little newstand at LaSalle and Division, and though customers were lucky to get a grunt out of him, he loved pigeons and they loved him.  He would stand out there with arms outstretched and the birds would line his arms like Francis of Assisi.  Later he moved to Lincoln Square and then one day he got run over and killed.  There were a few articles in the paper about it, a beloved character even if he didn't like people.

When I worked at what is now the Thompson Center birds used to get in, generally little birds and the kindly state workers would leave out popcorn or whatever for them.  Then one day a pigeon flew in and he seemed quite at home pecking at the floor like it was a sidewalk.  There were several attempts to trap him and get him out, and I think one of them finally succeeded.  There was also some talk of poisoning him.  We had a secretary at the time who I did not like at all and she was all for poisoning him, after all, she argued there were plenty of pigeons outside.  Plenty of people outside too, I said, why don't we poison you?  Humph, she replied.

I hate those online quizzes, but Old Dog's seemed a little more dignified than what Star Wars character would you be, so I took it.  I expected I would be more leftist and more authoritarian than Old Dog, but it turned out that I was almost in the same spot as him, actually just a tad less authoritarian and less lefty.  Here is Old Dog:, and we will be waiting on Beagles.  How do you do that thing to turn a link blue again?  I can't find it in the archives.

Happy weekend everybody and I hope Beagles and Google come to an agreement before Monday.

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