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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

speak softly and carry a big rep

When I was speaking of the crusaders killing prots I was thinking of the Albigensians and Cathars in southern France.  I suppose they predate the Hussites and Martin's boys, but they were Christian and anti-pope and that qualifies as prots in my book.  I don't know why Beagles says Muslims weren't invented yet because that was who they were principally killing.  The thrust of my argument was that they weren't that different from Isis, and although I guess we can call them nuts in a way, it is not the same way as we call these mass murderers nuts

You don't do research on how to implement anti-gun legislation, everybody knows how to do that.  The reps opposed it because they were afraid of what it might reveal (and rightly so because even they must know, the more guns floating around, the more people killed.).  But now that the research has not been done they can stand up and say gosh nobody knows that because there has been no research on it.

I too miss the Obaman prosody in comparison to the Trumpian rant, as T S Eliot said about that Shakespearean rag, so elegant, so intelligent.  Way before he was prez I heard him on NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (Saturdays at 10AM, does either dog listen to it?  If not, I think they should give it a shot), and he was hilarious.  Instead of calling the other guy a name and claiming it was fake news and tossing in an unearned brag, he would consider the thing, give both sides of the issue and say why he was for his side.  I don't know when we last had a prez like that.  Maybe Kennedy, they say he had a way with words, he did crack a pretty good joke from time to time.

I don't get much out of the reputation economy article either.  It seemed like just common sense.  The reason you work to establish a good reputation (I once borrowed five bucks from Old Dog.  Believe me it did not leave his wallet easily, and I knew that if it wasn't promptly repaid there would be a metaphorical knuckle sandwich to my rep so it was crisp in his hand the following Friday and if I had go borrow another fiver sometime in the future there would be no problem).  The reason we labor to establish a good reputation (outside of doing good just for its own sake) is so that people will know they can trust us and our lives will be easier.  It may be more easily identifiable now that we have cyber space, but I don't see anything new.  What is this dark side Old Dog speaks darkly of.

I've seen that stuff about liberals and conservative psychology before.  I pretty much agree but the fact that it is clearly written by liberals and generally casts aspersions on conservatives makes it a little suspect in my eyes.  I personally think conservatives are more fearful.  They like simpler ideas because they fear complicated ones, and they generally fear people who they perceive as not like them.  Not that i am a liberal casting aspersions on conservatives, just calling it like I see it.

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