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Friday, November 1, 2019

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

The Constitution says that the President "shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". (Article II, Section 4)  I don't think that means the commission of the crime is unconstitutional but, if he was convicted of the crime and not removed from office, that would be unconstitutional.  This brings up another point:  What law did Trump violate when he called that Ukrainian president on the phone and tried to persuade him to investigate the Bidens?  It was certainly tacky, but was it illegal?

I found an email address for Joe Swallow on the internet, but I don't know whether or not it's current.  I plan to try to contact him this weekend to see if he remembers that welfare case any better than I do.  The more I think about it, the lawyer on that case might not have been Swallow at all, it might have been Jerry Sumpter, another local legal luminary from days of yore who was known to take on oddball cases like that.  Meanwhile, I seem to remember that it went something like this:

One of the things that was going on in the 60s was that Black people were being encouraged to "demand your entitlements".  Some of those entitlements were new, part of LBJs "Great Society", while others had been on the books for years and had been largely ignored by local administrators.  When the Blacks started signing up for this stuff, many Whites were inspired to look into it and see if they qualified for anything.  This little girl lived in a rural area, where many of the government positions were part time and poorly paid.  My guess is that they either didn't know about those programs or were too lazy to fill out the necessary paperwork.  Somebody might have sarcastically said that she wouldn't have any trouble getting that stuff if she was Black, which may have inspired some young lawyer, who wanted to make a name for himself, to file a discrimination lawsuit.  I don't remember how the case came out, but it got a lot easier for our rural poor people to access welfare programs after that.  Coincidence?  I think not!

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