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Friday, July 12, 2019

yet more answers from the answer man

I kind of hate getting into these political discussions with Beagles because it seems like a waste of time.  I don't change his mind on anything and even though I often admire my own prose and cogent arguments I realize that only three people in a nation of 372 million people will read it.  That's not one in a million, that's one in a hundred million.  Kind of makes me want to buy a lottery ticket and not linger under that tree in the rainstorm.

The Republicans, as responsible citizens (Har), should have a healthcare plan because people will still need healthcare even if they abolish Obamacare.  How do they plan on dealing with that?  Oh, I'm remiss, Beagles has already supplied the answer.  Nothing is more important in the destiny of our nation than a heavily armed citizenry.  I guess we can shoot our way out of our health care problems.

What I said was democrat/migrant vote and what I was referring to was those migrants who have become citizens and are likely to vote democratic.  The problem is not so much that naturalized citizens wouldn't respond to the census, as that non-citizens, the majority of whom are legal, will be spooked by having to declare that they are not a citizen.  Beagles may not believe that but the Republican party certainly does and that's why they want it put on the census.

By seminar I was referring to The Institute.  The Institute is a sort of a seminar, but I should have just said Institute.  The thrust of the paragraph is that I was peeved that Beagles claimed that he did not know why people objected to the citizenship question, but then one post later admitted that he did know that.  It just didn't seem very honest to me. I speak of his mysterious news feed because he claims to not know so many basic facts,  Here is the article about the dead guy that he claims to know nothing about, but it was in the NY Times which is in his newsfeed and is pretty common knowledge.

We were talking about squirrels maybe a week ago.  One Christmas I got my squirrel-hating mother a book on squirrels.  What prompted the author to write it is that he bought a bird feeder and the squirrels kept getting into it.  After every foray he would make some modification to keep them out and when he got home from work they had figured out a way around it.  Eventually he gave up and wrote that book on them because he realized that he had to work forty hours a week but those squirrels had 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to devote to breaking into the feeder.

I feel that way when arguing with Beagles.  I have to do all the research and he just sits there and writes whatever pops into his pretty little head at the moment.  It's just not fair.

Hey Old Dog, get us started on another subject.

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