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Thursday, July 25, 2019

cock as vagina?

It was Harry S Truman who integrated the army in 1948.  Kind of a late date I think after two world wars, but from what I hear it has been pretty successful.  From an us vs them viewpoint, it seems like soldiers vs civilians might be a stronger bond than black vs white.  When people around me got drafted and came back after basic training one of the things they talked about most was running into southern boys and their different ways.  One of the most amusing things is that they would use the word cock to refer to lady parts, 

Interruption here, after writing that I wondered am I remembering this right, it sounds so odd, so I went to the google machine and came up with a very interesting article on the subject.  The issue is more complicated than I thought and here is the link:

Anyway I brought up the southern boys because they generally have some pretty unpleasant views on race, and I wonder what life was like for black people in the army in the mid sixties.  Not so hot I imagine and as their numbers grew is it not likely that they began to think we are tired of being pushed around, and if that was that the attitude that Beagles describes as arrogant and hostile.  Here is where I have a problem with Beagles's hawkishness.  To my thinking black people had an absolute right to demand equality in housing and jobs, and to try get that they are going to have to step on some white toes, and Beagles takes that as hawkishness against him and that increases his hawkishness against them and I think that is wrong.  I assume some similar thing was going on in Beagles's army group.

It's rare these days, but there still are flareups about black people moving into some white enclave.  The main reason the ghetto is still there is because of poverty.  It is the cheapest place to live and black people in general are poorer than white people.  These days I think a black person could move anywhere in the city without much fuss, and they probably would like to, but most can't afford it.  There was no big hispanic ghetto in our day, but now our old hood is part of a big hispanic ghetto.  But I use that word only out of convenience, nobody is forced to live there because they cannot live anywhere else these days.

Of course there are white people moving into black and hispanic neighborhoods.  It's called gentrification.  There is graffiti and sometimes marches, but no burnt garages or broken windows that I know of. 

I wonder if Beagles has seen a photograph, in his black friend of the 70's front room, of Martin Luther King, or of the march on Washington or maybe even of the friend in his Black Panther days, would he have thought so genially about the guy?

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