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Friday, July 12, 2019

I Don't Need No Stinking Research!

This is not school, it's supposed to be fun.  Sometimes I look stuff up if I want to know more about the subject, but sometimes I just throw it out to the Institute and see what comes bouncing back.  I seem to remember that was how people conversed before the internet was invented.  Of course in those days you had to get dressed and go to town to engage people in conversation, unless you were into long telephone conversations, which I never was.  The internet is more convenient and, if you do want to look something up, it's right there.

When I first brought up the census question, I didn't remember what the objection was but, the more I thought about it, it came back to me, although I still didn't think it was valid.  If you remember, I also didn't think there was any valid reason to put the question on the census in the first place, just as I don't think there's a valid reason to ask us about our race or ethnicity.  The original purpose of the census was to determine legislative representation and, in my opinion, that's all it needs to do.

You know, just because I read a few articles from the New York Times on my news app, doesn't mean I have to read the whole damn paper, which is another thing the internet is good for.  I honestly never had heard of that dead guy, although I have heard a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth about gerrymandering.  Michigan passed a ballot proposal last election that is supposed to make gerrymandering go away, but I think all it will do is take the power to gerrymander away from the state legislature and give it to a panel of unelected bureaucrats.  Big improvement!

People had health care before Obamacare was passed, and they will still have it if Obamacare is repealed or amended.  The only thing that changed is the way the bills are paid.  One way or another, the people who can afford to pay will always be subsidizing the people who cannot afford to pay.  Before insurance was invented, doctors charged their paying customers more to make up for the people they had to treat who couldn't pay.  There also were free government hospitals and charity wards that were supported by the taxpayers.

No, we don't need our guns to obtain healthcare, but we do need them to fight off MS-13 when they come banging on our doors demanding tribute.  If those hungry hordes from Central America had guns, they might be able to resist evil in their homelands instead of running away from it.

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