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Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Couldn't find Castro's revenge on the first page of google so I gave up on that.  Seems way more likely that we brought AIDS to Cuba than vice versa. 

So Beagles is okay with us getting involved in Yemen as long as we are on the side of the good guys. but how to determine who the good guys are?  Under our current policy the good guys are whoever can throw Trump the best party, and not let any sarcasm creep into their extravagant praise, and have good business opportunities for Donald, Jared, and Ivanka.  But Beagles is an idealist and I suspect he wants to go with the guys who are yearning to breathe free as opposed to those who want to kill puppies, and I think that could roughly be determined by who is most willing to favor America. 

I'm purposely avoiding wiki, so I may make some mistakes here.  (Sharpen your red pencil Scourge) Yemen is on the southwestern corner of that rectangular peninsula that is mostly Saudi Arabia.  In ancient times I believe it was a prosperous trading community.  I think The Queen of Sheba came from there.  Back in our time my earliest memory of the place is there was a South Yemen and a North Yemen, and one of them (the North I think) was communist.  Odd place to plant the red flag, but what I read was that the despot threw anybody in jail who said anything bad about him, but the commies, being revolutionaries, knew enough to keep their big yaps shut, so they were the only ones not in jail when the revolution came.  I don't think the commies stayed long, I think it was one of those cold war things where African nations switched sides every few years depending on who was offering them the best swag.

So anyway, Yemen was this dusty, poor country run by a despot when along came the Arab spring.  The despot was toppled, some other guy took his place, and people didn't like him that much either and the despot fled to the Saudis who tried to return him to power, but it wasn't like there were two sides, there were a lot of factions.  And then in rode the Houthis.

The Who?  That's what everybody asked.  I guess if you were keeping abreast of goings on in Yemen you would know, but who was doing that?  Well, some tv reporter was asking some newsman on the ground, who are these guys?  The newsman replied, well, their slogan is Death to Israel and Death to America.  Oh, the reporter replied, that doesn't sound good.  Well actually, the newsman replied, that's what everybody here says/

The Houthis are Shias, and they are getting some aid from Iran, though nobody knows how much.  The Saudis are sure it is a lot and so they are using their shiny American weapons to pound the shit out of everybody there under the proud American slogan, inscribed proudly on our t shirts, kill them all, let God sort them out.  

The Saudis have tons of the latest American arms, and Yemen is right there, right across the border, so why the fuck can't they do it?  Because the Saudis never leave the air-conditioning.  They import people from elsewhere to do actual work, used to be the Palestinians, but they didn't trust them and now it is mostly people from southeast Asia.  One would suppose the Saudis could arm these people and send them over, but they dare not do that because they treat these people like shit, and armed, they would probably come after the Saudis/

Who, by the way, are the good guys because Donald can never forget that magic night he did the sword dance with the pretty kings under the Saudi moon.

Okay I had to look up.  The Queen of Sheba probably never existed, but Yemen is one place that legends say she came from

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