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Friday, June 15, 2018

Under the Bus

It has occurred to me that Trump might throw South Korea under the bus like Nixon did with Taiwan.  That's the trouble with Trump, he's a loose cannon, nobody knows what he's going to do next.  If you remember, I said that about him before he was elected, and he hasn't changed much since then.  Nevertheless, he has done some things of which I approve.  It's like that old saying, "Even a broken clock is correct twice a day."  I still believe that his main purpose in life is to give the Republicans a bad name, which is why I intend to vote straight Republican this fall.  Well, I probably would have anyway, but this is one more reason.  One thing I like about Trump is that he drives the liberals and the RINOs nuts.  I watched with dismay while Obama drove the conservatives nuts for eight years, and turn around is fair play.

Eight hundred dollars a month is way too much to pay for health insurance.  Uncle Ken's friend would be further ahead putting half that much in the bank and paying her own medical bills as they come up.  If she has a major health problem before she can build her account up, she could pay for it by installments.  She might be paying those installments for the rest of her life, but that's would be better than paying insurance premiums for the rest of her life.  I said in the beginning that Obamacare was nothing but a sweetheart deal for the insurance companies. I thought the Republicans were supposed to be the friends of big business and the Democrats were supposed to be for the little guy.  Well, I suppose one way to keep the little guy little is to soak him for insurance premiums, so I guess that makes sense.

I have heard it said that you're better off hitting a deer than trying to swerve around it, but I'm not so sure about that.  I think what causes people to lose control is when they try to brake and steer at the same time.  One thing I learned from driving on snow and ice is that you can brake or you can steer, but not both at once.  I suppose you would get he same effect on pavement if you were going fast enough.

Well, here's a more cheerful photo of Bambi. You can see that he's alarmed because his tail is up, but he is not in any real danger.  I probably spooked him when I opened the curtains in the morning.  I didn't see him at the time, but my trail camera did.  You can see from the photo that we are not fussy about lawn care in Beaglesonia.  That's the nice thing about living next to a junk yard, nobody can say that I'm ruining the neighborhood.


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