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Friday, June 22, 2018

eating our frijoles in peace

What I was saying about that separation of the children thing was that to just say well it's the law, so there's no reason to discuss it,  just obey it, is not an adequate response.  And anyway it is the law that asylum seekers be allowed to come to the border and ask for asylum, so how are they illegal, and again it was basically not the law but the policy, put into effect to discourage people from exercising their legal right to apply for asylum that was being protested, a policy that could be changed at any time without recourse to changing laws that Trump to glorify himself made into an executive order (of dubious content) instead of making the phone call to little Jeff.

My own preference come the coming blue wave revolution was to leave the long guns in the hands of the hunters, but Beagles makes an alluring case with those muzzle loaders.  Unfamiliar as I am with firearms, I think using muzzle loaders involve a stick to tamp down the powder and cartridge and I am wondering if that stick could be sharpened, and if so, do we want to allow gun nuts to brandish sharp sticks? 

But say we do allow muzzle-loaders, we are liberals after all, when the letter with the official stamp arrives in the Beaglesonia mailbox, does Beagles shrug and pack them up and take them to the nearest recycle center because it is the law?

We have our people and other countries have their people and between them they have worked out the current trade situation.  It seems improbable to me that in every case, every single case, our people, working from a position of strength, have been hornswoggled in every situation.  Remember in the system of The Dealmaker, the only good deal is one where the other guy gets screwed.

I've been kind of watching the Qatar situation, because it is so peculiar.  with the Saudis ganging up with the gulf states to oust Qatar from that cozy nest, and the fingers of Jared all over it.  The Saudis are on the move, the new guy has deposed and robbed his brothers and now he is going by initials and is cozying up to the Israelis to fuck with the Iranis and continuing to bomb the bejesus out of the land of Sheba knowing that he has the backing of his brother of the sword dance,.

I saw that article about AI winning the debate, but it seemed a little complicated because isn't it a subjective thing rather than a mathematical thing as to who wins a debate?  How about this? Amazon is replacing their six-figure execs in oh, supply and demand, with AI.

From what I've read lately I think Bannon is sort of on the outs while Hannity remains the pillow talker, Lewandowski pops in and out, and I am pretty sure Cohen is about to be completely out.  Lately Stephen Miller (didn't he used to have a band?) is coming to the fore which may be unfortunate for him because he is a distinctly unpleasant man.  He was Trump's man on the Sunday shows this February and basically didn't answer any questions, insulted the commentator and rotely praised Trump, who of course was watching, and had to be physically removed from Jack Tapper's show. 

And googling for that I see where he, like Kjirsten, has been booed out of a Mexican restaurant, so maybe now we will be able to eat out enchiladas rancheros with frijoles and rice without our lunches being disturbed by their loathsome ilk.

Happy Friday guys.

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