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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Blue Tuesday

The situation in Yemen kind of snuck up on me so I'll have to add it to the growing list of global hot spots, any of which can lead to global conflict.  Don't we have enough problems already?  I'll let you guys discuss it further as I don't know enough to add to the conversation.


And speaking of not knowing enough, I'm beginning to think that the media is not serving the American public very well.  A lot has been said lately about certain celebrity outbursts but little has been said about the actual number of deaths in Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria, and much of that island is still without electricity nearly a year after the fact.  And folks are jabbering about Super Bowl winners not going to the White House; it's like news stories are being tailored to give folks something to talk about and nothing more.  I suspect that there is more than one kind of collusion going on; the voices of righteous indignation are being drowned out by more White House lies and I don't understand why there isn't a stronger and more vocal political opposition to the Clown-in-Chief.  An Imperial Presidency is being established and Congress is letting him get away with it; they, too, are feckless.


There is an economist, Canadian I think, by the name of Umair Haque who has been writing some interesting essays about America and we are in deep shit.  He describes America as being the world's first poor rich country and I think it's worth a read despite the bleak outlook.  Other essays don't paint a prettier picture but maybe we should be facing the harsh truths that we've been avoiding.  I don't buy everything he says but his reasoning seems sound and I don't detect any agenda or axe to grind.  Like many of us, he is disappointed in the way things are turning out and I'd be interested in reading what you guys have to say.  Perhaps there is a way out of this mess.

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