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Friday, June 8, 2018

The Liberal Agenda vs Galt's Gulch

Politics makes strange bedfellows does not mean that it's a good thing.  Actually it's kind of a stupid thing because it's just stating the obvious isn't it?  I mean doesn't everything make strange bedfellows?  Isn't it the same as the enemy of my enemy is my friend, which is kind of deceptive because it doesn't add the obvious clause that once my enemy is weakened or maybe I make a deal with him, than this third guy is no longer my friend.

Here's a quote from one of the heroes of Beagles's boyhood.  If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck, than it is a duck.  I thought it was invented by Tail Gunner Joe, but the internet sez it is from a mechanical pooping duck, though I have to say I am skeptical about that, but the gist of the way Joe used it was if somebody acted like a commie they were a commie, and by that rubric I think Beagles is a Trumpist, though he may quibble with certain niceties that Trump lacks I suppose.

I was kind of rushing to get to that Queen of Sheba thing when I said that about  Republicans wanting to make people poor.  What they really want is all the money for rich people and a side-effect of that is that they have to take it from the middle class and that puts the middle class in poverty, so it's not really what they want, it is just an inevitable side effect.  Poor white people don't get as good an education as rich white people.

I thought Michigan had already had its primary, that's why I had trouble googling around because I kept running into information about the primaries and thought it was old news and discarding it.  Seems like a pretty fluid republican primary with candidates dropping in and dropping out.  The only info I provided about  Helicopter Gunner James was how deeply snuggled in bed with Trump he is, but I guess that is what Beagles took to, like a, ahem, duck to water.

I was not aware of Ten Thousand Queens of Sheba or the stage play Purlie Victorious, is that a spinoff from Porgy and Bess?  Internet research did not give me an answer quickly and the morning is fleeting.  Anyway I like those mythological characters that people take to and make their own, like King Midas etc.

Capitalism in its pure form, laissez faire, is the law of the jungle for economics.  The law of the jungle itself trumps capitalism because why not just kill this guy and take everything he has.  That's why you need certain rules to protect capitalism, like property laws and some kind of stable currency and stuff like that.

Once you have that, it is pretty much the law of the jungle, when Dagny Taggert is asked who will feed and clothe the poor once Galt's Gulch takes over she sniffs, "I suppose you can if you want to." I'm not sure if it's her but actually they are all the same person just wearing different clothes.Christianity, of the love thy neighbor form, has no place in capitalism.

That's where Umair loses me with talking about  morality in capitalism, it sounds like he is asking capitalists to play nice.  I mean come on.

What I think Umair is actually espousing is, tada, The Liberal Agenda, tolerance and a more equal distribution of wealth.  Until Umair becomes a fellow of the Beaglestonian I would rather hear what Old Dog has to say than what Umair has to say.  The guy apparently likes to write, perhaps he could be persuaded.

I'm looking at the time stamp on Old Dog's post to see if he was aware of the latest insults Two-Scoops hurled at France and Canada.  Hard to tell, but there will be new ones in the morning.  I wouldn't be surprised if he just doesn't show up, sends Sarah Sanders, or how about that mayor turned gnome Giuliani?  Like all bullies Trump is fine insulting people to their backs but face to face he backs off because I suppose he is afraid somebody will punch him in his pouty lips.

Happy weekend fellows.

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