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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Missing Word

"If Beagles thinks separating kids from their parents is simply an efficient way to deal with the little tykes while the folks plead to the rubber hose types for asylum,. I don't believe he is reading much news past the headlines, particularly the part where Sessions and Trump brag, in that manly way they have, that the purpose is to discourage immigration.  One wag has asked why don't they just burn the kids alive in front of their parents?  Surely that would discourage immigration.  I can imagine Trump and Sessions stroking their chins." - Uncle Ken

There is an important word that should be placed between "discourage" and "immigration", and that word is "illegal".  If Trump's purpose is to discourage illegal immigration, than good for him.  Mexicans have been allowed to cross the border illegally for as long as I can remember, during both Democratic and Republican administrations.  Now we've finally got a president who is trying to do his job by enforcing the law, and everybody says that he's a mean prick.  Okay, Trump actually is a mean prick, but that's not the point.  If people don't want the immigration laws enforced, they should speak to their congressmen about repealing or amending them.  Meanwhile, the laws should be enforced as written.  I wonder what would happen if Canadians started swarming across their border in numbers large enough to overwhelm the system.  Of course they won't because Canadians are too polite to do that, but that's not the point.  I have to obey the law, you have to obey the law, the Canadians have to obey the law.  Why should the Mexicans be immune from the law?  Sounds like discrimination to me!

Maybe Trump's Wall is not such a bad idea after all. A wall won't stop people who really want to get in, but it might slow them down to the point that they can be processed in an orderly fashion.  Another thing is that people applying for asylum should have to wait on their side of the border until their hearing comes up.  They could fill out a form and mail it in. Then, on the scheduled day of their hearing, have somebody meet them at the gate and escort them to the hearing.  If their request is denied, they should be escorted back to the gate.  If it is granted, only then should they be allowed to bring their children across.  If some laws need to be changed to accomplish this, then have Congress change them.  

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