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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

bending the rules 2

The reason I posted that article was because earlier Beagles had said something to the effect of you may not  like the immigration law, but it is the law and therefore it should be enforced and obeyed.  Likewise the asylum stuff is the law, and if your argument is that laws should be obeyed and enforced whether you like them or not, then it too should be obeyed and enforced.

Immigration is a complex issue and unless you deal with the individual issues in detail one by one, you are riding scattershot over a rough range and generating a lot of heat but not much light.

Drug gangs have influence in Mexico, as organized crime has in the US but, some articles in the National Geographic aside, I doubt that they are practically running the country.

This mysterious news app, is that like a Yahoo home page.  I go to Google news which is similar most every day, but it is hardly my sole source of news.

Bending the rules, is that where it all begins?  Is that the difference between the US and England, and Romania and say those central American countries which are practically run by gangs?   Are we not all people?  Don't we all come into the world similarly naked and with an idea of fairness.  I say the latter because of my experience with K and pre-K kids.  They knew right away when something unfair had happened, and they were disturbed by it.  If one kid beat up another for no apparent reason the whole class was upset, unlike say the thuggish sixth graders who were likely not to care, or to think he had it coming.

In school we are not taught the law of the jungle, where the strong take from the weak and that is nature's way.  We are taught to treat our neighbor well, to be honest, to obey the rules, to be good straight arrow citizens,  If everybody was a good straight arrow citizen, would we not have a better world?  I think we would.

I think probably they teach their kids the same things in Romania and Guatemala, though I imagine people don't spend as much time in school there as they do here.  The example of my mother telling me to lie to the bus driver aside, as a little kid growing up in America I think it seems like everybody is obeying the rules, you don't see people cheating on their taxes, paying bribes to cops, or people being beat up just because.

So that's one reason why I think we see fewer people bending the rules in the USA than in rougher areas of the world, they don't see so many people around them bending the rules.  If nobody is bending the rules you are inclined not to either, but  if everybody is bending the rules, you are a fool not  too.

I've barely just begun on this, so I will warn the dawgs right now, this is likely to be one of those Uncle Ken topics like The Liberal Agenda, which I know neither of them is crazy about, but hey when you donned the Robe of Enlightenment, which we all do before we sit down to type, you knew it was not going to be a walk in the park.

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