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Friday, April 27, 2018

I call it progress, Asshole.

I have a VCR/DVD player and it plays just fine on my flat screen.  One thing about the tapes is that you could hit hit the pause or turn the damn thing off if you were so inclined, and come back and resume right where you were, instead of DVD where you have to hit just the right teeny tiny button on a remote of 20 buttons or else you have to go through the scene selection and then back and forth faster and slower like trying to parallel park into a crowded space.  And with the VCR you could fast forward through the stupid FBI warning and the coming attractions.  I do like the extras though.

That Social Credit Movement sounds a lot like income distribution, or Part II of The Liberal Agenda, or Socialism.  Isn't the same thing generated by a more graduated income tax, or raising the minimum wage?  Trickle down seems like the most natural thing in the world to the republican party because its first part, give more money to rich people, sounds so good, that nobody is concerned if the second part works (which by the way it doesn't).  The first part of trickle up involves taking money away from rich people. so it is dead in the water before the second part can be complicated.

Boy I just had a scare.  My fingers were flying across the keyboard when some box popped up about did I want to turn on some kind of typing. I'm not sure what kind because the box blipped out before I could read it, and thereafter when I typed I heard a faint click, but nothing showed up on the screen.  My first instinct was to google for a solution, but I didn't know how to phrase my question, and it didn't matter anyway because I couldn't type anything in the google box or anywhere else.  It was like accidentally turning your screen black, where do you go from there?  Fortunately the high tech solution, turning the computer off and then back on again (and I didn't even have to unplug it) worked just fine.

Oh how quaint the dilemma of that drunk-driving admiral doctor looks today after Trump's outburst of yesterday.  CNN graciously replayed the part at the end where the Fox and Friends were pleading with Trump to just shut the fuck up and eventually saying well we're sure you must be a busy man and giving him the bum's rush off their show. 

Oh and there was more breaking news than America's Dad heading for the slammer.  He called the DA an asshole.  And when CNN reported this they used the word, asshole.  I notice this morning the Trib and the Sun-Times are primly calling it a-hole, but now apparently we can say both shithole and asshole on the airwaves and if that ain't progress I don't know what is.

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