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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

boring stuff

I used to like shoveling snow.  Back when I was mopping the floors of Herrin Hospital, sometimes on a winter evening the call would go out to us janitors to drop our mops and get our shovels. The other janitors would grumble, but I was happy to get out of doors where it was dark and quiet and before me an unbroken expanse of white and behind me a freshly shoveled walk that little old ladies could traverse without fear of slipping and breaking a hip. 

When I lived in Urbana for some reason I had a snow shovel and I was out there at the drop of a flake,  I lived in the middle of the block, but I would shovel down to the corner because once I started I couldn't stop.  After I went broke in Texas and returned to the family manse my parents couldn't hold me back from getting out there with the shovel.

Of course that was a man with a shovel, a more primal, more satisfying affair than driving some dang internal combustion contraption.  I imagine it  is not so much fun plowing a path out of the swamp.

Here in towers snow is generally only a problem early in the morning or on Sundays.  There is a ramp up from lower Wacker on the other side of the river and it is lined with garbage trucks with snowplows at the first rumor of flakes,  No subsequent mayor wants to suffer the fate of Michael Bilandic.

I know about hiding stuff on fb.  I guess I've hid some people who posted some really foul racist crapola on my page, but mostly I have hidden people who post like twenty times a day.  I'm surprised that Beagles knows so much about fb since I don't think I've ever seen him post anything.  Which is fine, just fine.  I think he goes through fb on the weekends because on Monday I see where he has liked my Monday painting posting or whatever,

Well snow and fb, I am bored practically to tears.  There is a whole circus of fascinating stuff going on in the political arena, but neither dawg seems to have much interest in it.  Maybe no tweets today in honor of Barbara Bush.  I hate when political figures die because everybody is so solemn and noble and the news is like a smooth white cover of snow on the sidewalk.  I can't wait to shovel it.

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