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Friday, April 20, 2018

charming Rudy

Apparently Beagles is locked out again this morning.  Apparently it has become one of those things that happen from time to time and you just go, oh that wascally internet, and go about your business and then the next day you are back in as if nothing in particular had happened.

Oh, search box, I guess that will be useful for researching.  Now we can not only research the internet, we can research The Institute.  Much wisdom to be gleaned there I am sure.

Maybe because I am not an engineering type, I never noticed what kind of shovel I was using on snow.  As I recall it was distinctly called a snow shovel so it was probably the flat kind.  I can't remember if I ever used salt.  Certainly not in the days when I would go knocking on neighbor's doors and come back with a jingling pocket of change.  I don't remember ever using salt, seems kind of, I dunno, effete or something.

Oh those Syria strikes, that is just a formality, like expelling diplomats.  Nobody expects it to mean anything and everybody's just happy we are not at war with the Russkies.  Even the guys who got gassed are like, well it just means we will get barrel bombed tomorrow. 

They pulled that wag the dog thing on Slick Willie when we went into the Balkans.  Remember that?  At the time it seemed stupid because we had no national interest there, but it was those photos of the guys in the concentration camps, reminded us of WW II, of Munich where Beagles' and my people were thrown under the bus, and nobody wants to be remembered as being like that guy with the umbrella. 

I guess it worked out okay.  I don't think the US lost a  man.  I think we still have UN guys walking th uneasy border between the Serbs and the Kosovans, but you rarely hear about anything going on down there, so it seems like a small price to pay.

But Syria, I don't know, not much of a dog there and it's not like we are lacking in distractions. 

Yar, I think the Trumpists, probably only Donald himself because it is so stupid, think Giuliani is going to make some kind of deal, but really, what a clown.  I can just see him knocking on Mueller's door with flowers and chocolates and given the polite equivalent of the bum's rush.  How about that Haley babe though, walked right up to the line of calling Trump a big fucking liar, and so far nada out of his pursed lips.

I don't understand this aversion to fb.  I'll let Old Dog explain himself.

And it looks like my own tale of oh, promoting the liberal agenda in a gracious way, has met with a big yawn from the dawgs.  Oh that Uncle Ken, thinks he can save the world and he doesn't even know what kind of snow shovel he's holding.

And, here comes the paper.

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