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Monday, April 2, 2018

Heavenly Palace One misses Michigan

Eight PM auppertime, isn't Beagles fashionable?  I'm thinking of those European movies where they go out to the trattoria late in the evening and dine on appetizers and soups and whatnot, all the while drinking what seems like huge quantities of wine and making bon nots and profound statements, all the while Sophia Loren is rubbing knees with the befuddled American tourist just for giggles.  Between the French and the Italians I pick the Italians as more fashionable.  They have that whole Empire thing and they are home to the pope to be cleverly cynical about.

I didn't get time to put down my bets on the Chinese satellite, The Heavenly Palace One, which from the photos looked more like a garbage can with a couple wings.  One of the google images shows it next to a school bus, which is surely done to show the size although it does put Elon Musk's sporty car to shame.  Next to that is a map of the USA with all the states grey except for Michigan which is bright red which related to an article that the gov there has instituted emergency measures (everybody don thick tin foil hats?).  Most of our Illinois govs just go quietly into the slammer, except for Blago, who didn't go quietly.

Too bad about Glow, I had heard glowing remarks.  Saw Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing Missouri Friday night, pretty good I have to say with a lot of those madcap moments that Old Dog favors.

First Limbo goes to limbo, and I think purgatory is gone anymore too, and now hell.  I think Hell was always a bit iffy.  I think the bible only mentions it sporadically, except for that outlier Revelations which should probably never have been allowed into the Bible, but we'll leave it for the bible expert to speak on that.  Hell was one of those things that made heaven even better because when you got bored basking in the glow of The Lord you could turn your thoughts to your enemies burning in hell and get a little thrill,  I imagine heaven is a less perfect place without hell, and doesn't it have to be perfect to be heaven, so don't we have a religious issue here?

I have been reading about these Sinclair folks for maybe a year, and now they are trying to get their filthy paws (slithy toves) on the Trib and WGN.  I don't think objective journalism is dead, and I certainly don't think we were delusional to think the news was ever objective.  I suppose there were shadings, but if you knew the source you could adjust for the shadings.  Even the politicians would limit their falsehoods to exaggerations and bending the truth a bit, skirting at the edges as it were.  Nowadays it is fashionable to just make up a whopper and if the press complains call them liars and insist on your own private alternative reality.  Is that not your right as an American?  Didn't those Yankee Doodles freeze their doodles off in Valley Forge for your right to have that?

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