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Friday, April 13, 2018

currenter events

How about John?  Internet research reveals the word is capitalized, and that the reason it is called that is because of John Harrington, who invented the flush toilet. Here is a quote that may interest one of the dawgs:

There are a few references of the toilet being called “Cousin John”, as well as many references to it being called “Jake” 

It seems odd that the device would take on the first rather than the last name of the inventor.  It is a shame that the story of Thomas Crapper has been debunked because the term crap precedes him. 

Or you could call it the head.  That would give you sort of a nautical flair.  Of course there are certain behaviors associated with being a navy man, but the last I heard there is nothing wrong with that.

What's wrong with current events?  And just as I thought the concerns of yesterday morning have all been superseded by Comey's book.  Wow!  And the Republicans have actually, and at first I thought that this was a joke of some kind, put up a website Lyin' Comey  Note how they have retained Trump's charming and folksy habit of dropping the g in favor of an apostrophe.  And remember that salacious tale of using a Moscow hotel room as a, well, John, that even I thought was too incredible to be true?  Now it is squarely on the front page.

I agree with Old Dog that the Trump show is like a seedy carnival where the operator of the kiddie rides has a half empty half pint in his hip pocket and the milk bottles are glued together and the guy keeps changing the rules of the game of chance until your wallet is empty.

I hadn't heard the term Trump's Razor, but I like it very much.  Early on I read the report of the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal who said he could never sit down with Trump and talk about anything because Trump had no attention span.  Ever since reading that I discovered that everything Trump did could be explained by him being an idiot surrounded by yes men.  These guys who thought he was playing some kind of three dimensional chess (Trump playing chess, har, Trump playing checkers, har, Trump playing Tic Tac Toe and not cheating, har), or was like cleverly distracting attention by saying something outrageous, how could they be so stupid?

That's the way the world is right now, but the first tweet has not even yet been fired., 

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