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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Another April Fool

I don't know much about the politics in Michigan, but I have to give the governor some credit.  It seems that he is the only political figure who has publicly announced a disaster plan for the impending re-entry of that Chinese satellite, Tiangong-1.  But I've been following a few sites that indicate the orbit and it looks like there is no longer any threat to Michigan, or North America for that matter.  We'll know more in about four hours (as I write this) when it will come crashing down.  My best guess is that it will land in one of the oceans; place your bets.


Speaking of Old Dog, he was speaking of late of The Death of Stalin which has just lately come out and is getting rave reviews, but I wonder how he was able to see it so early.

I didn't actually see it early, it's that the movie was released in the US late; it was released about six months ago in the rest of world.  Why the difference in release dates, I don't know but I suspect it had to do with how the film was financed.  It was filmed in England and the Ukraine with an international cast, so maybe the guys with the bucks wanted it to be released in the US at a later date.  The financial aspects of film making is very screwy.

In any case, once I found out that the film was originally released last year I thought I'd give it a shot and look for it online, and there it was.  I think if you look hard enough you can find a clean copy of any movie ever made, somewhere online.  TV shows are much harder; once I think I've found something and try to view it I get a little notice that says "file has been removed."

Quite a while ago Uncle Ken mentioned a fondness for the Netflix show GLOW, which, by the way, has been renewed for a second season.  Just when I thought I've found it there was that damned "file has been removed" message.  It was driving me nuts but I finally found it and watched the first couple of episodes.  Sad to say, I'm not impressed but I'll watch one or two more episodes to see if it gets going for me.


Today is Easter Sunday, and last week Pope Francis said something about there not being a Hell.  That sounds like a game changer to me, since didn't Jesus descend into Hell before being resurrected?  I think one of the creeds said something about that but I'm not sure.  Maybe the pope's statement lost something in the translation but it was a curious thing to say, if he really said it.  Fake news out of the Vatican?  I sense a power struggle in the Roman Catholic church.

And speaking of fake news, have you guys heard of Sinclair Broadcasting?  It's a conservative company, owning many local stations in what is usually referred to as "the heartland," and they tell the local stations what to say.  They own a lot of Fox affiliates, but also stations from ABC and CBS and they all follow the same script.  I though this clip was creepy but I'm sure many folks would welcome it as an alternative to the media "elite" on the East Coast.  Are the days of objective journalism long gone or were we delusional in thinking that the news was ever objective?  Remember the Maine!

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