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Thursday, April 5, 2018

A friend in need

Thanks to Uncle Ken for his clarification of the caste/class differences; the situation in Japan seems like a mutation of the two.  Also, I didn't realize that we were discussing two different versions of GLOW, or G.L.O.W. if you prefer.  The original from the 80s sounds like the superior version and it's too bad that I missed it.  Must've been on cable.


I've been enjoying the discussion of friends that you guys have been having and it's made me  think about how friendships develop.  I don't think it's a clearly defined process; sometimes you can just "hit it off" with someone, other times it's a matter of proximity, and other times it's curiosity when you wonder "what's up with that person?"  Maybe desperation is involved and you find someone who is the least intolerable in your group to talk to and a friendship develops.  Who knows?  Hell, it could even be pheromones.  The nature of friendship isn't something I want to examine too closely lest it be destroyed under careful scrutiny.  It's more than sufficient that I have a friend than to ask why that person is my friend.  Or I could be misunderstanding the whole discussion.  At what point does an acquaintance become a friend?

There is a reason why I have addled thoughts on the nature of friendship.  Few things are as awful as the betrayal by a friend, it really sticks to you.  Years ago I had a very good friend, even our wives got along together.  We  played bridge regularly, of all things, and had a good time doing so.  He separated (on good terms) from his pregnant wife and moved in with his girlfriend but it was no big deal at the time.  The 80s were strange.  But a few days after we had made plans on the phone, his girlfriend calls me up to say that he blew his brains out.  Why he made such an impulse decision we'll never know and it haunts me to this day.  After the shock and sorrow I felt betrayed, and still do.  Sadly, he is not the only one of my friends (at least two more) who decided to end it all and it makes me wonder what kind of friend I really was.  It's not survivor's guilt, exactly, but something close and I should put it all behind me.  Maybe tomorrow but not today.


Whew!  That wasn't easy for me to get through and I hope you guys didn't mind too much.

On a more reasonable (and seasonal) note, does Mr. Beagles have any garden plans for this spring?   I've been reading a lot about potatoes and growing them in elevated containers which may be useful in his swampy environs.  I like the idea of elevated containers as they seem to be much easier on the back and would help in deterring invasive wildlife.  There must be some kinds of food that are relatively pest and vermin proof but I haven't looked into it.  Offhand, I think that garlic, ginger, tobacco, or rhubarb would be safe bets.  Peppers, maybe?

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