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Monday, June 19, 2017

you can never have too much incessant braying

The Them I am talking about  is The Them that worked to get Trump elected so that the big girl would win.  Myself I don't believe They exist.  The dems who would want their candidate to win have zero influence in the republican race, and the Republicans didn't want their candidate to lose.

I think crossover voting is mostly a myth, people talk about it but by and large they don't do it.  They didn't find democrats voting in the republican primaries in the last election.  They did however find a lot of new voters.  Trump bragged, and some of the more simple-minded republicans were heartened, about all the new people entering the republican party, growing it as it were.  But these new people weren't republicans they were Trumpists and had no allegiance to the GOP.

I remember watching one of primaries in New England in the heart of the winter.  There was a polling place on some desolate stretch of snow and it was packed, people standing in long lines with sniffling noses while the highway behind them was a stretch of headlights glowing deep into the horizon.  Ah, Americans turning out to vote, a Norman Rockwell crowd of clear-eyed Americans expressing their opinion at the polls. You know the pundits are always scolding us about how many people don't bother to express the right to vote, won for us on many a bloody battlefield.  Well here they were, my heart beat with pride, and then I realized most of these guys are probably voting for Trump.

Stoopid Vikings, didn't even have enough sense to put horns on their helmets, it took some fancy pants opera stagers to make them look cool, long after they had given up raiding and settled into socialism,

Twice backed, damn, just as I was doubling down on my earlier, very clever (lots of very smart people say that I am the cleverest man in America), Idaho, Montana, potato, potana,  Damn.  The tater tot was a clever little afterthought though, wasn't it?

I don't  know why Old Dog rails against incessant braying, without which the proud institute would be little more than a Consumer Reports on ice cream making machines.  Speaking of braying, I expect that this Trumpian wake up call, will not wake up Americans anymore than shooting that second baseman in DC will bring all our politicians under the umbrella of civility.

This Wallace thing.  Maybe Beagles voted for him because he was for state's rights or maybe he thought both McGovern and Nixon were commies, but I suspect that people of his ilk were way outnumbered by white people who did not like black people, and I'm sure that if had won one of his first orders would have been rolling back integration,

And I don't know about  the protest vote, though I do think if Beagles had voted for Trump he would be in some inner turmoil.  The idea that a protest vote has some effect on the pols seems weak, like they will look at a large protest vote and decide geez maybe they ought to change their ways.  I don't  include the Bernie vote in this because Bernie had a chance to win so I wouldn't count him as a protest vote

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