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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

In Accord

First of all I want to apologize to Old Dog.

Tut tut, it is but a mere trifle.  There are so many news items, from so many sources, that I'm bound to stumble on an accurate item or two.

The current attention given to the Middle East makes me think that news cycles are scheduled in advance; wasn't North Korea a big deal not long ago?  I read that a third carrier group was headed to their nearby waters so maybe they'll be front page again, soon.

Haven't read too much about Ivanka or Jared lately, either; the hot story continues to be the Russian thing, with all the testimonies going on but not much new has been added.  I think Comey's testimony tomorrow will have a lot in common with Geraldo Rivera's adventure with Al Capone's vault and will be empty of content.  There is much less than it appears as long as the principals don't want to discuss private  conversations with the Trump.  Those guys in Washington are a slippery bunch and I expect more wheel spinning, with no story getting real traction.  It's curious how the TV networks are preempting daytime programming to cover the hearings; maybe they smell a ratings bonanza, but I doubt much will come of it.


Isn't St. Louis situated on the Mighty Mississippi, not the Missouri?  I checked and the Missouri runs north of St. Louis by about ten miles or so.


Even North Korea is giving he US a big raspberry for dropping out of the Paris Accord but, this too, might be a non-issue.  The state of Hawaii just passed legislation supporting the Paris Accord, so maybe the individual states can get together and send the world a message that we're not all short-sighted morons.  Trump is correct that the Paris Accord will result in a very slight decrease in CO2 levels, but without the Accord the levels will rise by a couple of degrees Celsius, which will make a bad situation much worse.  Thumbing your nose at one of the very few things that the international community can agree on is bad policy, in my opinion.  Agreement on climate change could lead to agreements on other matters.  Maybe. 

Politics is the art of compromise, and the guy in the White House still doesn't grasp that fact.  But there are a lot of things he doesn't grasp, what with those tiny hands and all.

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