Ronda Rousey, huh? T'wasn't me in deep appreciation at the Ten Cat, and Vikings didn't have horns on their helmets. I believe that myth began with the staging of an opera in the 19th Century and has become part of the cultural folklore. The last I've heard of Ms. Rousey is that she got her ass whupped in less than a minute at her last bout.
See now if I go to that Viking article I will have to read the whole thing to glean whatever point the Old Finn wants to promote...
No point is being promoted as such; it's a deep article and covers a lot of material, not all of which I fully understand. Any summary I make might not convey the true gist or have an unintended bias, and I see no point of introducing an additional layer of misunderstanding. Go to the source and read it yourself; we've discussed this sort of thing before.
And, Uncle Ken, as long as you mention fact checking, please explain what you mean about a "twice-backed" tater tot.
In accordance with the election laws of this great nation, Donald J. Trump is the duly elected president, like it or not. His campaign proved his ability as a salesman even as he peddled his own brand of snake oil, appealing to a narrow base of voters who may have felt he had their best interests at heart, which is not the case. Trump did not appeal to their hearts or minds, but to their guts; his appeal was visceral. And much to their dismay, they will be among the first to feel the negative impact of Trump's poorly thought-out policies.
At the core, Trump has shown to care little of anything but Trump. He is a showman, a carnie, a huckster, a prevaricator of the first order and that will be his demise. The checks and balances will work, eventually, and his legacy will be that he gave this nation a painful wake up call.
The media coverage, both old and new media, is becoming an incessant braying of pundits, both professional and the losers sitting in their mothers' basements. It is shameful that the quantity of the speculation does not match the quality of the facts. The media coverage is starting to remind me of that line from Macbeth:
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.
I don't know the demographic breakdown of Trump supporters,but I have to give them credit; they don't seem to talk out of both sides of their mouths, unlike some more liberal types that I have known. Support for many social programs, like rehab centers and halfway houses, runs strong with the more enlightened types unless they're built next door to them. As a city dweller, it's difficult to put one's self in the minds of the more rural types, but I try; different does not mean wrong. Unless you need to pin the blame on them, Them, or THEM.
And speaking of the mystical "them," I wonder how they figure in the investigations that are "following the money." Nothing much has been written yet about the roles of the Mercers, the Koch brothers, George Soros, the Davos Group, the Bilderberg Group, the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Gnomes of Zurich or all the other players in the fever dreams of the tin-foil at brigade. It's the Russians! It's the Zionists! It's THEM! And never us.
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