Okay, I was shooting from the hip on that one. What I was thinking was that the sea level would have to rise as high as Niagara Falls before it could impact the upper Great Lakes, and I don't think anyone is predicting that. While I'm correcting things, I seem to have confused Twiggy with Miss Vicki, which is understandable because it was a long time ago and I never did pay that much attention to it at the time. Funny, though, that I remembered the chorus to that song. I'm sure that I only heard the song once but, I seem to remember that the chorus was repeated multiple times. I also remember that there was a video with the song that showed various oceanic scenes. I wonder if it could be on You Tube. I'll have to search for it one of these days. Of course there was no You Tube in the 60s, but I have found some old Bo Derek movies from the 80s, and there was no You Tube then either.
According to the article, the melting of the Antarctic glaciers is not being directly caused by global warming, it's being caused by a shift in the ocean currents that is bringing warmer water to the region. Of course the case could be made that the shift in the ocean currents is being caused by global warming, but the case could also be made that global warming is being caused by the shift in the ocean currents. When they periodically have that El Nino thing in South America, it affects the weather in North America, and El Nino was first observed centuries ago.
Anyway, not to worry, the sea levels are not predicted to rise any higher than they did three million years ago, which was the last time all the ice on Earth melted down. It didn't hurt the dinosaurs because they were long gone by then, and it didn't hurt the humans because they hadn't appeared yet. I suppose the worst thing that could happen is the end of civilization as we know it, and that might not be a bad thing. It would be inconvenient for the generation that would be living at the time, but any new kids born after that would grow up with it and think of it as normal. I wonder how long it would take the human race to re-encumber itself.
I had to think about it for a minute, but I did get Uncle Ken's joke about the gibbons. I didn't respond to it because, if I responded to everything you guys wrote, I wouldn't have time to write anything myself.
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