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Friday, June 30, 2017

we don't need another hero

I'm still not sure about fu, it seems to be something like forte or ability, maybe given some mystic twist, and maybe it has some nerd coolness to it.  You know nerds have their own internal cool, not recognized by the outside world of the truly cool, but within themselves, the way maybe among the Amish some men are known as lady killers or that little house finch on my railings thinks he is badass among finches.

I did look up Arminus in wiki, strangely enough just as I was watching something on the Smithsonian channel about some big battle between the German barbarians and the Romans, and it seems like that was the very same battle where the Romans took it in the butt and decided not to bother conquering Germany.

Of course another reason was that there wasn't much in Germany worth conquering.  The vast hinterland was just a bunch of barbarians eking out a living on little farms, unlike the countries around the Mediterranean who were loaded with booty and could pay big tributes.  The thing was once the Germans encountered the Romans they discovered that the Roman Empire had a lot of crap and they could get some of that crap by raiding and trading and whatnot and the word went  out to the hinterlands and they came streaming in to get part of the action, and the tribes near the Roman Empire became powerful enough to eventually collapse the Roman empire while the hinterland remained a bunch of barbarians eking out a living.

I guess we all know this.  I'm just saying that it is kind of ludicrous to think of him as a hero of the German nation, he was just fighting for his tribe which was fighting other German tribes as well as the Romans and in the end his own tribe did him in,

Speaking of heroes, Trump's latest tweet has the media blathering and I don't quite get it.  /We all knew that he is coarse and unprincipled and this is just more of the same.  I was watching CNN last night and this guy Van Jones came on.  He is getting some press because he recently said that this whole Russian thing is a nothing burger.  His point is that it gets the dem base riled up and thinking they are unto something and maybe it will get Trump impeached, but he is saying that that's unlikely to happen and even if it sinks Trump among the independents, it's not necessarily driving them into the arms of the dems.

The reps swept into power by being the party of no, but when they got in they were unable to govern.  If the dems get in on the power of no will they be able to govern?  The reps looked united when they were out of power, but in power they have proved to be divided.  The dems are holding tight out of power, but will the progressives and establishment be able to hold together if they get into power?

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