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Thursday, June 8, 2017

searching for Them

News events aren't scheduled in advance, they follow whoever has done what lately.  The odd thing is the way they completely drop whatever they have covered previously completely so it's like that event and the place where it occurred have ceased to exist.

Right now Comey's appearance before the Senate committee is a blazing supernova, and it would have to be some extraordinary event to be seen against that glow.  Myself I think it will be a great show.  Not sure how much light will will come from it, maybe a lot, maybe nothing.  There will be entertaining gymnastics from the senators and a lot of blather unfortunately since they will have a big audience, but gold could emerge from the mud.  I expect most interesting will be the non-Trump reps. It's kind of like a shadow show since all we will be able to see is a bunch of suits sitting around talking and the verbiage will be lush so it will be hard sometimes to tell what is really going on. I wish the CNN guys could do a play by play, maybe whispering like the do in golf.  I have to slip out to the farmers market (not much there this early, but I like to walk around and I have three empty pots that could use some kind of seedling) at some point, but now that I think of it NPR is carrying it loud so I can wear my earphones.

In the valley around St Louis the two rivers twist like fat snakes.  There are sloughs and oxbows and over many years their paths can change.

And I see that They have returned to Beaglesonia.  They are an unnamed unknowable group of people who have prodigious powers, but prefer to work with indirection.  They are people Who generally work against what Beagles wants.  For instance They wanted to put in the big girl, but rather than working for her They used Their prodigious powers to influence eventually almost all of the republican party and a third of the electorate to vote for Trump.  Now apparently They are working for Trump to make the republican party look bad.  Wait a minute, isn't most of the republican party working for Trump?  I guess they want to look bad.  Apparently They can knock off Trump at will, and if so then why not Pence also, and as long as They have gone that far it would be a kindness if they also bumped off that prick Ryan.

I think Beagles paid a lot more attention sitting on those hard benches of Elsdon Methodist Church because They sound a lot like God.  They are invisible, mostly unknowable, and prefer to work by indirection (If He wants the Moabites smotten, why does He not just do it Himself instead of having Johosaphats do it?).

The deal with Iran was a quid pro quo.  If they didn't make nuclear weapons we would lift the sanctions and they didn't make the weapons and now we are reluctantly doing our part of the bargain. Sanctions don't always work but in this case they did.

I guess the sanctions hurt the Russkies enough that they worked to elect Trump so that he would lift them unilaterally as by all indications he is trying to do.  Why can't They be They?  Of course they are not Christlike, but they are Antichristlike.  Christ, Antichrist, potato antipotato.

Now, I have to pop some popcorn for those senate hearings.

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