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Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tiny Tim Was Right!

Remember Tiny Tim? Not the one from the Dickens novel, that goofy looking guy back in the 60s who sang "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" in a falsetto voice. I seem to remember that he married Twiggy, that goofy looking skinny woman who was supposed to be a fashion model. I don't remember hearing much about either of them after they got married. I suppose they had both made enough money by then to be able to comfortably retire. Anyway, I saw Tiny Tim on TV once, maybe on the Ed Sullivan Show, and he did another song that I have not heard before or since. I thought at the time that it was a strange song, even for a strange guy like Tiny Tim to be doing, but an article I just read in National Geographic brought it back to my mind:

"The ice caps are melting, tra-la-la-la-la la.
The ice caps are melting, tra-la-la-la-la-la.
The ice caps are melting, the tide is rushing in.
The whole world is drowning to wash away its sin."

National Geographic has been harping about climate change for years, but there is also enough good stuff in there that I never cancelled my subscription. You know how it is, the more often you hear something repeated, the more likely you are to believe it, all other factors being equal. Well, I am beginning to believe that there might be something to this climate change thing after all, and Tiny Tim knew about it way back in the 60s. Well, I don't know if Tiny wrote that song himself, but he sang it so enthusiastically that he must have felt some ownership. And he was happy about it, like it was a good thing! Well, maybe it is. With all the trouble in this world, maybe it is time to pull the plug.

Anyway, according to that NG article, all of our coastal cities will be underwater by the end of this century. Not Chicago, though, because Lake Michigan is some 600 feet above sea level, but Niagara  Falls stands to lose a lot of tourist business. Who wants to spend their honeymoon at a place called "Niagara Trickle"? I have long believed that this country would be better off without sea coasts anyway because that's where a lot of our problems seem to originate. It just now occurred to me, though, that those coastal cities are not going to drown out overnight, there will be plenty of time to evacuate them as the waters slowly rise. Now where do you suppose all those refugees are going to evacuate to? Why to the middle part of the country, because that will be the only part left. President Trump would be well advised to stop worrying about those Muslims and Mexicans coming into the country and start figuring out a way to keep those coast dwellers from over running the good part of it. Maybe they could load them into boats and set them adrift on the high seas. It worked for Vietnam.

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