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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

sword dancing and saber rattling

Just to clear things up, the Wahhabis are Sunnis, of course they consider themselves the only true Sunnis much as Texans consider themselves the only true Americans,   They are the religion of the Saudi royalty and thus the religion of all Saudis.

When we went into Iraq there was some hubbub about whether we would be on the Sunni or the Shia side.  We were kind of careful to tread a middle course, but then we didn't do much right in the aftermath of that war and I am glad we are out of there.

I think the main reason we don't like the Iranians and hence Shias, although the Shia militias, next to the Kurds are the best Isis fighters in the mideast) is that they keep calling us the great satan, that wears on a country after awhile.  The Saudis are more circumspect, just funding their own terrorists behind our backs.

So I guess that was the problem with Qatar.  It was too cozy with the Iranians.  I guess they have pissed off the Saudis for some time, but lately there was some speech a Qatari gave, which Qatar claims never happened, that passed off the Saudis, and I'm sure doing the sword dance with the Donald gets you all fired up to rattle the old saber.

I guess one of the problems is that all the Qataris have is oil and desert and 99 percent of their food has to be trucked in which means it has to travel Saudi roads which isn't going to happen anymore, so there is a pickle, or rather no more pickles for you Qatar.  The Iranians are more than ready to ship in food, which the Saudis are not going to like, but then the Saudis have no actual army to speak of and all their shiny weapons are pounding Houthis and Whoevers, so I wonder what is going to happen.  I wonder why this isn't big news.

6 AM, and time for the tweets.  I guess that's why nobody pays much attention to Qatar.

When I was in St Louis I confessed to my friend that I watch CNN pretty much morning to night.  He admitted he does the same thing.  How can you look away?  If you only kept yourself informed on stuff you can control you wouldn't have much to keep yourself informed about.

I guess I have know-it- all tendencies myself.  Well it helps me get into arguments, ahem, discussions, with other know-it-alls,which is my chief form of barroom fun.

But I don't know much about the details of the Paris Accord. I think it is all pretty tentative, but that's the way you begin this sort of thing.  If everybody goes along their own way much of everybody's coastlines are going to be underwater.

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