One of the things I like about the Ten Cat is that the sound is never on for the tv sets and they are only on for sports events. As soon as the event is over the bartender clicks them off. Well not exactly, some games are on sports channels and before and after the games there is a sort of sports gossip going on and sometimes that it is allowed to linger and that's how it happened that one night (might have been in October), Old Dog might have been there, I'm not sure, we learned about Ronda Rousy, the female kickboxer, ultimate fighter, sensation. What reminded me of this event is Old Dog's mention of his nephew with his cool name, Rocco Ronzi. Maybe the two of them should get together and with Ms Rousy in the family the next time I disrespectfully disagreed with Old Dog he could just suggest that I speak to Ronda about that, and then I would see that he was right after all.
There has always been something salacious about women fighting. There used to be something called G. L. O. W. The Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling. But that was wrestling and it was more stupid and funny than sexy, although the ladies were babes. Well I see that I am getting a little off the high path of The Institute here. Wasn't one of the correspondents here going on and on about Nicki Minaj's fake butt about a year ago? Really.
Back to the subject of They, I think there is a difference between they say, where they stands for basically the man in the street, and They are running Trump in order to help Hilary, where They is a specific, if unnamed, cabal of powerbrokers. It's that unnamed thing, it's what makes conspiracy theories so hard to combat, if there were specifics to the plot they promote they could easily be disproved, but they are generally so vague that they can't easily be refuted. Not that being refuted ends them, they just roll along.
But speaking of they say, this is one of Trump's favorite tropes, whenever he wants to back up his lies he simply says he is repeating what they say, sometimes he dresses up them as 'smart people' or 'smart lawyers,' Did anybody catch yesterday's meeting of his cabinet where he brought in the cameras to record each and every one of them (I think Mattis was an exception) outdoing the other in proclaiming what a great honor it was for them to serve this great man?
Did you see Schumer's response to that? How about the Covfefe Act: Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement, which would preserve the presidential tweets for posterity? Oh what laughs we have as the ship of state goes over the falls.
I hadn't heard the term Streisand effect before, but I am familiar with the phenomenon.. But it's not like Donald is any kind of strategist. I notice that the guy who wrote The Art of the Deal is on CNN now. He was no fan of Trump but he did it for the money, thinking he would have a series of interviews with Trump and use them to write the book, but then discovered that Trump was incapable of doing an interview over five minutes because that is as long as his attention span lasts. Trump is simply a guy with no discipline who has been surrounded by yes men all his life and that completely describes his behavior.
I think this Sessions thing will be a bust in that he will just refuse to answer questions that he doesn't feel are appropriate like those three clowns who were interviewed just before Comey. But I'll probably watch anyway because I just can't look away. Just can't.
And then there is Dennis Rodman. Is he an agent of Trump? Is he being used by Them? Is he one of Them Himself? I am thinking of the inmates running the asylum effect.
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