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Friday, June 23, 2017

healthcare, whither do we drift?

There is a little strip along the south side of the river east of the Michigan Avenue bridge where there is grass and some bushes and some trees.  Other than that I don't get much interaction with the wilderness, and I have no contact with ticks.  Icky little bugs if you ask me. I think nutrition bang for agriculture buck we would be way better off if we were vegetarians.  A couple friends of mine live in a farmhouse just north of Indianapolis (I don't think farmland is tick country, I think they need little varmints to keep their reproductive circle going until they can latch onto a succulent great ape), and sometimes the cows are hanging around and I look into their deep dark eyes and I want to promise that I will never eat one again and then I remember Italian beef and I say sorry guy and amble off.

Ah. I get all those North Korean dictators mixed up.  Why aren't they Kim I, Kim II, and Kim III like popes and kings?  I go to google a word or nme if I am not sure how to spell it and begin typing until google suggests the word I want.  I guess Kim Il Sung was the first name to pop up after typing in Kim and  I just ran with it.

That national registry seemed to work for awhile, though pols and anybody you ever did the remotest business with got through.  I assume the current crop of phone spammers are out and out crooks and they don't need no stinking national registry.

The house bill was called ACHA to distinguish it from ACA which was actually Obamacare only a lot of people who hated Obamacare and liked ACA didn't know that.  The name of the senate bill is The Better Care Reconcilliation Act of 2017.  As Beagles observes it is sort of watered down Obamacare, that is less of the good things about Obamacare and no way to pay for them so states can decide they won't implement them if they don't wish to.  And insurance companies only have to cover what they want to which should make insurance cheap but useless.  And slashing medicaid, which might not mean much to fiscally responsible folks like ourselves but it is what we will go on when we go bankrupt paying medical bills at the ends of our lives,  Maybe they will take us to deer blinds in the top of Michigan and give us a rifle and a bag of peanuts and leave us to fend for ourselves.

I have to agree with Beagles plan for,well, socialized medicine, possibly by another name.  I keep hoping that in all this mess somebody will look up from the fray and say hey if we just get rid of those damn insurance companies we could do a lot better, but not bloody likely.

Hilarycare gave the Clintons a big punch in the stomach, and Obamacare gave Obama a bigger one, now this RepCare is likely to do the same for the deserving folks of the GOP.  Notice I don't say Trumpcare, because so far he has only given it a lukewarm nod.  If it comes out bad, he will distance himself from it, he will blame the press of course, and the democrats though they are just standing around with their hands in their pockets.  Okay, they are braying incessantly, but really, that is just a way of standing around with your hands in your pockets only making more noise.  And lastly he will blame some republicans, will it be the freedom caucus or those Goddamn moderates?  Only time will tell.

Clinton Street would probably be considered in the loop nowadays, it certainly looks like the loop.  There is still an anatomically correct definition of the loop encircled by the el, but anymore people just use it to denote downtown.  I think my sisters sometimes took the Kedzie bus to the Lake Street el and back, but I never did.  Wait a minute, did you wear your ROTC uniform to work?

That was another thing the exotic northside had besides streets with names instead of numbers and a plethora of diagonal streets, el trains.  The Lake Street el, now the Green Line, is a pretty good train, all elevated, a straight shot from classy Oak Park through the blighted west side and through the gentrifying near west side into glittering downtown.  And the Southwest side has had the Orange Line for about fifteen years now, roughly paralleling Archer Avenue from the loop to Midway, so that anymore the Camino Real is just a shadow of its former self.  There is still an Archer bus, but no longer an express.

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