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Thursday, June 29, 2017


But what is this Fu?

Apparently, more obscure than I thought.  It is a suffix used more often in the geek and nerd communities that indicates skill level.  Since neither Wiktionary, Wikipedia, nor the Urban Dictionary include it I can only surmise that it's origin lies in poorly dubbed martial arts movies, i.e., "Your Kung-Fu is strong!"  I erred in failing to hyphenate the term, my excuse being that is seldom seen in print.  Nor heard frequently in conversation, for that matter.  Oh, well.  My Literary-Fu is weaker than yours, Uncle Ken.


The historical documentaries available on YouTube continue to draw my attention, particularly those regarding ancient Rome.  The most recent I've seen was about Rome's failed conquest of Germania.  A new (to me) historical figure was introduced, Arminius, whose exploits did a lot to shape German behavior and culture.  Not much is said about him today in Germany because the Third Reich considered him a sort of role model.


It was one of those things that seem so big and then they are gone and you can't remember what the fuss was about.

Miss Vicki, Bo Derek...the Wheel of Time crushes all, but such is the nature of the entertainment industry.  Plenty of has-beens are still alive, though.  I sometimes wonder what they're doing.  Blogging, perhaps?

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