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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

the election without primaries

Old Dog correctly summarizes like that famous year that there was no summer, this will be the election year that there was no primary, or much of one anyway.  The reps shut down primaries in about half their states because they didn't want to offend their spiritual leader, and though a few guys, who had nothing to lose made a big fanfare (actually the press, looking for any kind of story, made the fanfare) of opposing the naked emperor, most of them dropped off pretty soon.  I don't recall if there was still anybody else in at the end of that race.  I'm pretty sure that that it is over now, but I don't recall any fanfare about that.

I think Biden clinched the dems a week or two ago.  This one started out as barnburner.  The two candidates were all Marquis of Queensbury gentlemen, but their followers fought it out pretty fiercely, fb blazed with barbs at the other side.  It seemed pretty neck and neck and then bam South Caroline, and bam super Tuesday and suddenly Biden was unbeatable.  Bernie did some kind of concession but he retained the right to collect delegates, to fight for certain party planks I reckon.  But then along came corona and nobody wanted to risk their lives to vote in a primary that no longer had any meaning.  I don't know what is to become of the dem convention some kind of virtual todo as the dems have become the party of caution on corona while the reps prefer to drink their bleach and laugh at death.

The reps were to have their convention in North Carolina but the death averse dem gov there is nervous about that laugh at death thing in that it includes the credo of laughing your virus-laden globules into the faces of innocent bystanders.  Trump in outrage is for giving the election to a state run by his toadies, but these conventions are big deals, and you know Trump is expecting the biggest of big deals and that takes years of planning, so who knows what is to become of that.

Disbanding the police is a pretty big demand.  I don't think it means no longer having a police force, rather the firing the current cops and replacing them with new men under a new system, but you are going to need some police force in the meantime so not everybody will be fired at once, but gradually replaced, but that will take committees and whatever, and then there are those police unions to be fought and that will take tons of lawyers, so I think it is just a more forceful way of saying police reform. and we've tried that before, but maybe this will be a strong enough push to get something done.  We shall see.

Occam was not Greek.  The golden rule is simple.  Do it unto them mothers before them mothers do it unto you may sound clever to Beagles, God knows why, but it is no way a moral precept.

Surveying the nationwide corona rates and noticing how they are soaring in the red states where they opened up early or never shut down, and how they are declining in blue states like Illinois and purple states like Michigan which had a gov gutsy enough to hold the line against the bleach guzzling state house, Beagles may well feel he owes her an apology.

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