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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Sling Blade anyone?

I was wondering where Beagles got those numbers for Arizona, Texas, and Florida, since they seem so far off from everything I've been hearing and looking for his source he claims he heard it on PBR radio, well that yellow beer will surely give you a different outlook on things.  Just kidding, I think Beagles means NPR,  but I listen to NPR several hours a day and I never heard that.  Here's a link for Florida.  In the cases if Texas abd Arizona he is citing total and not the recent changes in deaths and cases,  Here is a link for Arizona and here is one for all three, though you will have trouble if you have adblock

What the hell I am going to quarrel with Spike Lee himself, what is the point of putting five in numbers instead of letters?  I don't see any,  I did like the way the flashbacks Stormin Norman was a young guy while the rest of them were their wheezy present day selves, kind of reminding us that some of us grow old and some of us never have the chance.

Maybe hijacked was too strong a word, delayed might have been a better one.  I don't like fight, chase, or love/sex scenes.  Maybe the director is showing off his derring do in portraying these common tropes but I am tapping my toe waiting for the movie to get on with it.  Actually I thought the movie was also delayed in the dramatic parts where the characters stared at each other wordlessly for way too long.  Maybe some people like that, I don't.

The movie was taken from a script had been lying around in Hollywood for some time and the original characters were white and it had a Sierra Madre ring to it.  You can see the Sierra Madre bit in the way the characters squabble over the gold.  Well Spike Lee always gives you plenty of movie for your buck and I liked the interactions between the black GI's and the Vietnamese, themselves split up into different kinds of guys.  The French, of course, come off very poorly.  The only white American guy I saw was the guy in the helicopter and he was gone in a few minutes.  I wonder if Spike was doing a riff on those movies where the only black character is killed early.

I think Do the Right Thing is Spike Lee's best, and the recent BlacKkKlansman and Chi-Raq were both better movies. Old Dog and I have a history of talking about movies,  He turned me on to Henry Story of a Serial Killer and The Cleaner and I think I have turned him onto a few though I can't remember which ones.  I wish he would post more often so we could be talking movies instead of me and Beagles yammering at each other.  I'll be watching Sling Blade this weekend.  Anybody else interested?  It has a little bit of the Lone Ranger in it so Beagles might be interested.

I did see that photo of Trump, shockingly his tie untied, his overcoat flapping, in the dark, in the rain.  No, he is not dead yet but he has suffered five or six body blows unanswered of late, and it's so long since we have had any moments of home.

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