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Friday, June 12, 2020

reasonable people

Not sure what Occam has to do with deer obligingly hanging themselves up in the Beagle barn and skinning themselves.   Sounds like Al Capp's shmoos.  And isn't Donald J Trump acting like a shmoo these days sabotaging himself so that Sleepy Joe can take the helm and lead us into oh, something like having an actual president in the white house and doing something about the corona other than well nothing, which I think is what Beagles prefers to do about the pandemic.  You know like the Swedes who are having soaring death rates and whose economy is worse than its European neighbors.

Reviewing past posts I realize that I am wrong about Beagles wanting to nothing about the corona.  I see that on Wednesday Beagles did say that he lockdown was effective in slowing the progress of the corona.  His concern was that maybe it was time to open up so that the economy doesn't go completely into the toilet.  This is a much more reasonable position than I was giving him credit for.  Certainly we have to do some kind of lockdown, but this could go too far.  I guess our dispute is in how much lockdown is desirable.  Reasonable people could disagree on how much is too much.  I would prefer more and he would prefer less, but neither of us has enough information to know exactly what the proper amount would be.

The country is just so divided that there is a knee-jerk response of automatically being against whatever the other side is for, a hell of a way to steer the ship of state.

Like the protests, I think we can all agree that what happened to Floyd George was wrong,  A step further is that this happens a lot.  Bad cops do shit like that and generally they get away with it without getting any punishment.  Something should be done about that.  Defunding the police in the sense of doing away with police is not a good idea,  It reminds me of what was sometimes said in the 60s: If you don't like the police the next time you are in trouble call a hippie.  On the other hand something has to be done,  How much is too much, and how much is not enough is again something that reasonable people can disagree about.

Well that is all I have to say this morning.

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