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Friday, March 20, 2020

the first day of spring

Apparently among the activities that have been curtailed because they involve large numbers of people getting together are blood drives and as a result there is a worrying lack of blood.

Back when I worked for the state there was a big blood bank organization called Lifesource in the building.  Seems like they were having blood drives all the time because they were situated in a building dedicated to state workers.  State workers, by their very nature, being public servants and all, were more eager to bare their arms and bleed for their fellow man than the average bear.  I was among them.  Actually I was just glad to get out of the office for awhile and make some pleasant chit chat with the nurses and pig out on orange juice and chips and cookies.

So I took myself out again into the rain yesterday afternoon.  While state workers continue to serve the people of the state the building is closed to the rest of the public.  When I told security that I was there to donate blood they allowed me through.  They stuck me and took my temp and pressure and had me answer all those questions on the computer.  My favorite question is still there: Has anybody paid you to have sex with them?  Well they tried to but they couldn't afford me would be a nice write-in answer, but there is no place for that so I just answered no. 

They told me that business had been brisk but there were only a couple other people on the chaise lounges when I took my place.  The nurses weren't chatty, but I had a magazine so that was fine, and the snack was adequate, and I pocketed some Oreos and some Goldfish on the way out.

I had to pick up a couple prescriptions at Walgreens and when I walked into the main door this greeted my eyes:

No need to even ask a clerk.

There was a line of about six to fill prescriptions, and without anybody telling us we lined up about six feet from each other, 

On the way out I picked up a couple four packs of Goose Island IPA tall boys and took them home.  It was a rather exciting day. And hey, it was the first day of spring.

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