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Friday, July 1, 2016

spinning my wheels

You sound pretty reasonable this morning Beagles, I hate that.  I'm ticking down your post and I'm nodding my head, well I agree with this, and I agree with that.  Have we reached the end of the Beaglesonian mission where reasonable people have discussed things reasonably and come to an agreement and now there is nothing to do but smoke fat cigars and sip brandy and stare vacantly out the window trying to think of something to speak of.

I haven't been reading closely, but in what I have read I haven't come across exactly what Brussels tyranny the Brits are rebelling against.  Come to think of it what did we rebel against the Brits for?  They didn't want to make us burn offerings to their king and they didn't want us to join the church of England.  I think it was taxes and trade.  There were the stamp taxes and the notorious tea tax, and moreover I think our trade had to go through them.  IF we wanted to sell maize to the French we had to sell it to the English who would then sell it to the French. 

Pretty dry stuff, does not stir men's souls does it?  Not the sort of thing you expect to be flowing from the pen of that old hypocrite Tom Jefferson.  I mean jeez who doesn't hate paying taxes, and trade, my eyes glaze over.  Speaking of Thomas Jefferson, let's have a look at that declaration of independence, a little large to copy and paste into The Institution, so here's a link for those of you who don't have a copy of it framed and hanging over the mantelpiece

It does seem to be mostly about taxes and trade and some other complaints like that awful thing about having to take a redcoat into your home, which are probably the result of trying to squeeze those taxes out of the colonies.  But overreaching everything else, in style if not in substance is we don't want nobody telling us what to do, or that self evident truth: everybody would rather be oppressed by their own people than by somebody else.

I have to say though that Declaration of Independence is well-written, it sings to me the way Bill Clinton could at his lying best, so that I would have to bonk myself in the head to get back to the real world.  See that's the problem with the power to stir men's souls, our souls are best left unstirred, so that the clear voice of reason can be better heard.  

Again absent any real complaint about the jackbooted Sprouts, it seems the main impetus for Brexit is emotional, that yearning to be free, or at any rate to be oppressed by their own people.  But what it appears to mean is that the Brits won't be able to sell as much of their wool to the French who won't be able to sell as much of their wine to the Brits.  I suppose the French could drink more wine to keep warm, but i don't know that the Brits could get a buzz off of their wool.

I'm spinning my wheels here, i admit, I am just not used to there being so much agreeableness in The Institute.

The Velvet Revolution was the Czech's shucking off communism, not Slovakia.  I think the Slovaks were fed up with the Czechs looking down their noses at them and the Czechs didn't much mind losing the Slovaks because they had always been looking down their noses at them.

Yar, hard to tell if the bailouts worked or not.  Some say we would have been better off without them and some say we would have been even worse without them.  And both sides have fancy dancy economists to back up either view.  You know we did pass things like Dodds-Frank to keep that sort of thing from happening again, but the reps are trying to deep six it so that the banks can breathe sovereign and free.  Well I don't know where the presumptive candidate stands on that, but even if I knew he would likely say something different tomorrow. 

The google machine tells me that a little over a quarter of the people live in cities, a little over a half in suburbs, and maybe a fifth in rural areas.  Some core big cities have been losing population but others have been gaining so I think it is a wash.  I imagine rural is losing slowly just because it is a general trend.  Probably the suburbs are gaining.  I hate the suburbs, but let's leave that for another day.

Speaking of another day, the weekend is here and on Monday i will be down in Champaign probably hoisting a beer to that great patriot Thomas Jefferson because after a few beers I will hoist a beer to anybody.  So I won't be back till maybe Wednesday.  Maybe in the interim Old Dog and Beagles can kick things around a bit.  Likely I shall see him on the next bar stool tonight and we can discuss giving him full posting power so that he doesn't have to lurk in the comments like a chant from the Greek chorus.

Hum I see where his google machine has 80 percent living in cities, I suppose that works if you consider that the suburbs are cities themselves.

That infrastructure thing is kind of vague.  And I suspect that rural people no longer are self sufficient.  Once Beagles loses his power there goes all the deer meat in the freezer.  Of course there will also be nobody around to keep him from shooting a deer a day as long as Old Betsy holds out, and there are probably ways to preserve the meat without freezing but Beagles won't be able to go to the internet to find them out.  I suppose he could fish until the truck that takes him to the river breaks down.  I will admit that we city dwellers will probably go more quickly.  Once we empty the grocery stores we will be setting up pigeon traps on our balconies, but with so many traps we will likely soon run out of pigeons.

I'm sure Beagles has given this some thought, so I would like to ask him now what he will do when the big shit comes down.

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