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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Rambling Tuesday...

Thanks for that nice little reminder of American History and King George.  I wonder what the Founding Fathers would think of the state of the union today.

There's an interesting article online at The Atlantic,"How American Politics Went Insane."  It discusses the development of political parties, political hacks, middlemen, and all of the processes which kept the wheels turning, without too much power in the hands of too few. Until, that is, the ascendance of the Tea Party and the subsequent chaos we are witnessing today.

Here's a quick quote: "Trump, Sanders, and Ted Cruz have in common that they are political sociopaths—meaning not that they are crazy, but that they don’t care what other politicians think about their behavior and they don’t need to care."


I'm curious how the founding cousins of the Beaglesonian Institute acquire their news and analysis. Uncle Ken proudly brings in his latest copy of The New Yorker to the Friday seminars, and he has cable, but there is more to that I'm sure.  I think he reads a couple of newspapers a day, too.

Myself, I have an online subscription to The Economist but no cable and I hardly ever listen to the radio.  Local TV news (WGN) is fine, except for Sunday mornings when I like to see  what the pundits are squawking about (Meet the Press, etc.).

But I spend way too much time online, falling through the rabbit holes which Uncle Ken eschews. I never know where the links from Drudge, Fark, BoingBoing, et al. will take me.  An awful lot nonsense is being spewed, but once in awhile a pearl appears. As always, the source must be considered. Hey, I'm just trying to make some sense of it all...


Speaking of making sense, I mentioned to Uncle Ken that the modern iteration of the "Internet," with all the social media and communication is a factor in a lot of contemporary hoo-haw we are now enjoying.  Not unlike the way Gutenburg's printing press spurred the Reformation.  I shall posit that the turmoil, terrorism, political discord, etc., are growing pains, and something that we will muddle through.  I embrace the delusion that, eventually, cooler heads will prevail and humanity will get their heads out of their collective asses.

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