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Friday, July 22, 2016

I'm the Baby, Gotta Love Me

I guess that was a stupid thing I said about the normal human beings, but sometimes it's fun to say stupid things. Speaking of stupid things, we have been watching that old TV show from the 90s called "Dinosaurs" from our DVD collection lately. You know, the one with the Muppet-like creatures that are supposed to be dinosaurs, but the show is really a satire on the human condition. One of the characters is a baby dinosaur who, whenever he does something bad or stupid says, "I'm the baby, gotta love me!", as if that makes everything all right.

I didn't know about Buchanan, but I heard somewhere that Abraham Lincoln might have been gay. Then there was Tchaikovsky, who used to be my favorite composer until I discovered Wagner. I don't think that Wagner was gay, but he was an egotistical prick. Too bad he wasn't an American, he might have made a decent president. Truth be known, there were probably lots of famous gay people in history, but nobody noticed because people didn't brag about stuff like that in those days.

I saw on the news this evening that it is indeed the Chicago to Mackinac race that is on for this weekend. The one I read about in the paper a week or two ago must have been the Port Huron to Mackinac race. Both of those events take place in July, which is the busiest month for boat traffic around here. I think that some other boats that are not in the races follow them up here and party with the racers afterwards.

I have a 14 foot aluminum fishing boat myself, powered by an electric trolling motor. I just putter around the river with it, right here in town. I don't think I'm going to get it into the water at all this year. I'm still cutting firewood and, when that's done, it will be time to start mowing. Once a year I mow a bunch of land that I have previously cleared and don't want it to revert to trees and brush. The fishing has not been very productive the last couple of years, and I probably should be looking for a new spot. Maybe next year.


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