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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

God Bless Wikipedia

I think that American politics has always been insane. History is full of all kinds of goofy stuff. What's different nowadays is that we hear about everything that happens almost immediately and, if there's nothing new to talk about, the media just shows us the same stuff over and over again, which makes it look like there's more of it than there really is.

The Tea Party Movement was formed as a reaction to the first election of President Obama. I know that because I looked it up on Wikipedia once when Ken and I were arguing about it. We generally accept Wikipedia as a reliable source. It's not perfect, but it's probably as reliable as anything is nowadays, and it's easily accessed. Ken follows the news a lot more closely than I do so, if I miss something that he wants to talk about, I go to Wiki to catch up. Ken tends to be more precise in his arguments than I do. You will often hear me say things like, "I seem to remember..." or "I read somewhere that....". That doesn't mean I expect you to believe it, I'm just trying to make some kind of contribution to the discussion. If I waited until I knew what I was talking about, I wouldn't be talking very much. What fun would that be?

I think you're right that the internet will go down in history as one of the biggest advancements in communication of all time. There's a lot of trash out there to be sure, but there's also a lot of good stuff. It's up to the user to sort it out.

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