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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Silver linings

Although many of us are shocked about the way things have transpired in the political arena of 2016, should we be surprised?  Many bytes are being spilled as the pundits chew on the causes, but this has been a long time coming, and the chickens are coming home to roost.

The ideal of the United States is confronting the reality of the United States, and it ain't pretty.  Despite the noble origins, our history has many  regrettable aspects which we have ignored or forgotten, at our peril.

To expound further is too taxing at the moment but I remain optimistic for the long term outcome.  A couple of Frenchies have helped....

"In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve."   -Joseph de Maistre

"The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults."    -Alexis de Tocqueville


Bullshitting, or as I prefer, the art of philosophical discourse, seems to be falling out of favor.  It's that binary thing again; black/white (not talking about race) is easier for some folks to discern than infinite shades of gray.  Technology doesn't help much except for the rare astute blog.  There was a good article in the Atlantic recently about how Google is making people more stupid; worth a read.  To find it, just Google "Google stupid."  Is that what is called irony?

Some geezers at the end of the bar are still doing their best to elevate bullshitting to a high art form, or so I've heard.  Not all bullshitting produces bullshit...


I was going to say something maudlin about "silver linings" but then I thought of a presumptive nominee... "Silver linings are for LOSERS!  You want GOLD."

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