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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I went to Bog 'n Berry Days and all I got was this cool hat

I too went google earthing after Old Dog lauded the adventure.  Naturally I was looking for a watering hole, but I didn't find nothing,  Then I went down to street view, and by gum it was rainy and foggy, you could see dew drops on the googlemobile windows, and then I turned a corner by the Subway at Main and Mackinaw and it was bright sunlight, and there was the bar, Club 27.  Nice building, but just two little windows, neither of which sport a beer sign.  A bar without beer signs, I don't know.

Further researching the topic I went to Yelp and their ilk, and you know what, nada.  Here's your chance Beagles, stroll in all casual like and pull out a pad of paper and let it drop to the owner that you are planning on giving Club 27 it's first Yelp review, and very likely you will find lots of cold free yellow ones in clean glasses coming your way, or you might find the sidewalk coming your way as I imagine they don't take kindly to pretentious twits in the land on top of the hat on top of the hat on the top of Michigan.

But if the latter should be the case you might notice that the cloudy day is gone and now it is bright sunshine.  I'm not saying the google driver might have been depressed by all that rain and fog and stopped into Club 27 for a few tall yellow beers and by the time his spirits were lifted so were the clouds.  Well, actually I guess I am.

Peat moss really?  Where does it go?  Does anybody up there use it to heat their homes?  Well I have to tell you even when the sun came out, Cheboygan looked a bit dismal.  I think you could use a little festival, I'm thinking Bog 'n Berry days with stands selling peat moss and cranberries and maybe little hats like the hat on the top of the hat on top of Michigan.  Plenty more good ideas where that came from, don't hesitate to ask.

Yes it is four short blocks between the Merchandise Mart and the condo.  I exaggerated for effect ok?  Speaking of effect there is also that close to home effect where you can handle a full bladder fine for awhile but once you get close to home your urges increase exponentially.

Does socialism stink?  Isn't that the gummint that Europe is always accused of having, and don't they do well enough?  What is our form of gummint?  Is it better than what they have there?  I think it's pretty close either way, so why not just say all gummint stinks?  I hear it said all the time, generally when people don't want to raise taxes that will leak into the pockets of poor people or raise the minimum wage that Americans are a very generous people.  But I don't know, more generous than who?  I don't think they are any more generous than say, Albanians.

Talking about background checks is as stupid as my ranting about banning semi automatic weapons.  Neither will ever happen.

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