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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

townships and mass killings

Chicago contains several townships because it has eaten five or six other towns in the course of its development.  I don't know what it is with you and cards.  You realize that anybody, even back in the day before computers, could print up a card.  What would be the occasion when you would present this card where it would make any difference?  Now that you mention it when I worked for the state I had an ID card, but that was just so that I could get in the building.  And as a substitute teacher I also had an ID card which was how I punched in at the beginning of my day and out at the end of my day.

So why did you expect the army to rule by the rule of law, when you knew that nothing else did?  Did ROTC run by the rule of law?

Okay you gun nuts, you now have concealed carry everywhere.  I believe Florida was a leader in that movement, and yet when has a law-abiding citizen prevented a mass shooting?  Your answer of course is that we need still more guns out there, but then that is what you believe anyway about anything.  Economic slowdown, more guns.  Global warning, more guns.  I guess eventually in your ideal world we would all be so heavily armed that we wouldn't be able to move and then that would be the end of these shootings,

I'll go back to my usual talking points.  If he didn't have that machine gun he wouldn't have shot as many people.  There is really no reason to have a machine gun.  We should stop selling machine guns.

I don't see where you can logically assail either of those two points, but I know there is some NRA penned blather that you can spout, kind of like a squid does that ink thing.

And it doesn't matter because nothing beyond a few ineffectual pleas will happen.  Hunting is popular in the swing states and hunters seem to love all manner of guns, so I don't see the big girl talking much about it.  So I don't think you need to fret about parting with Old Betsy, though I am sure you will.

Then there are all these other things about the shooting.  Trump is claiming that Obama is complicit, because he is a muslim remember?  Cruz and his ilk are blaming immigration, even though the shooter is not an immigrant,and they are blaming Obama because he is not pounding ISIL hard enough even though if you ask them what they would do that Obama isn't doing they have nothing to say.

The gays are claiming it is all about anti-gay stuff, though one wonders if it had been in a McDonalds if it would have been anti- hamburger stuff.  Uh oh, and then it was Latin night, so maybe it is anti Hispanic.

And just now it is being revealed that they guy used to hang out at the club, and he was kind of mean and flaky, and you know it is just one of those things, these guys crop up regularly.  it will happen again and again, and all this talk about mass killings as being recent, i think it has always happened.

So I guess I didn't have that much to say about it.  I just didn't want to talk about townships because, you know, not as exciting as the current mass shooting.

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