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Monday, June 13, 2016

playing the committeeman card

In Illinois every ward has an alderman and is composed of many precincts.  Every precinct  has a Democratic or Republican committeeman, and I reckon when the 'Tarians!  make a big showing this year there may well be a 'Tarian! committeeman as well.  I am hazy about townships.  I believe there are several within the city and some burbs may be contained within a single township.  I don't think anybody knows what township they are in and it never is mentioned in the news.  We have districts, like park and school and whatever, and their borders don't seem to be congruent with each other or with any other township or wards or whatever. 

I've heard that Illinois has more governing bodies than any other state, which does not make for good gummint, which we usually don't get.  Around election time there is talk of doing something about it, but doing something about it means eliminating political positions so after the election none of the pols talk about it until the next election.

As the democratic committeeman I answered to the dems but I was elected in a general election and i guess if you were a popular guy you could become a committeeman even if the party was against you.  I never got a card.  I don't understand what I would have done with a  card.  Do you think I could have presented it at the tavern for a free beer?

My mistake about thinking you were a member of the tea party, as I often tell people. when I am not speaking my mind tends to wander, and I guess that extends to reading and writing.  i do remember you declaring that you were fond of them, but maybe I am wrong in that too.  I'm pretty sure that I never thought you were a member of any Trump organization.

Bernie is still running even though he can't possibly win.  He has gone from being a charming madcap uncle to being a pain in the ass.  There are still a lot of Berns who say they will never vote for th big girl, and if you spend much time on fb there is a postings war about it.

So Friday night I was talking about you to the guy on the next barstool, who I am going to call the Old Dog, because that's what it said on the card he handed me.  Over many beers and many topics I have somehow introduced him to reading some of our posts, and the discussion was your experience with our armed forces.

What i told him was that you were in ROTC in high school and were a big fan of the army, but then when you got into it, you didn't like it so much because it was full of goofballs, and nobody seemed very committed to military ideals.  Well then, said the Old Dog, downing a Jagermeister and washing it down with a gulp of Guinness, why didn't he get into the Marines?  Well I didn't know, why didn't you?

Another mass shooting over the weekend.  Do we blame guns or do we blame ISIS?  It's been awhile since we argued guns.  Oh I don't know, it seems like we could have the gun argument in our sleep.  Let's see how we feel about it in the morning.

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