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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

here come the Tarians

I had thought that abortion would have been one of the things the libs would have to line up behind (no guv interference) to follow lib principles.  But then libs know that they are going to get most of their votes from conservatives so they know which side their bread is buttered on.  I don't think either Rand or Son O' favored abortions.

I, and some thinkers in the media, think this could be a very good year for the libs, for obvious reasons.  As you said their money will be as a drop of water against the rep and dem oceans, but if I were them the first thing I would do is attack Trump.  They can attack the big girl, maybe even the Bern too, but if they want to get some press they will attack the big yellow one, because his skin is very thin, and he will respond to the attack in a doubtless colorful manner, and that will get the libs some press. 

I wonder if I should be calling them the libs.  Isn't that what they called liberals when Nixon discovered the silent majority?  Women libbers anyway.  Sounds kind of insulting, libs, close to lips, as in loose lips, which sink water borne vessels, and that one-syllable simple structure, no class in that.

How about Tarians?  Like fans of the Astros call their team the Stros.  Ah that sounds much better, kind of stately, and that nice 'ians' ending, and it sounds a lot like terrier that dog beloved by so many true Americans.  This name is my gift to your new party, now you Tarians run along and scuttle Trump.

There was a veterans thing going on I'd almost forgotten about.  When Trump dodged that debate he did some kind of veterans thing and claimed to have raised six million dollars, but then he never told anybody what had become of that money and yesterday there was to be a press conference where he would reveal what went where, and i just happened to be lucky enough to tune into that as I was about to eat lunch.

The money allocation thing took up maybe five minutes of the conference most of which was taken up by Trump calling the reporters, who had had the terrible temerity to wonder what became of that money and had shown up to the press conference that he had called to find out, a bunch of sleazes for showing up and asking questions. 

The reporters were kind of shocked at the mud Trump was slinging at them, but i had to wonder what the hell had they expected?  And even as they were sitting there trying to point out some arcane point like didn't the American people have a right to know where this money went and were met with a barrage of sludge for their trouble, they surely knew they were getting some good ratings out of this.

So here's my advice to Gary Johnson.  Get out on the hustings as soon as you can and say that that tie Trump wore didn't go with his suit, and when Trump responds by calling him a loser amidst a shower of spittle, he can wipe his face off and dust himself down and know he is now a few percentage points closer to getting into the debates. 

To me having to pay time and a half for work over eight hours is the same as the eight hour day, because it makes employers less likely to make you work more than eight, and if you do you are well rewarded.  I think most people are glad to work overtime and get more money.  I think the worker can generally decline overtime, but maybe not always.  I should really go to the wiki with this, but not right now.

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