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Monday, June 27, 2016

And You Call Yourself a Cowboy?

Just kidding, guns aren't for everybody, but some people like them, and those who have them intend to keep them.

So you admit that there is such a thing as being a member of a political party? Of course that's not for everybody either, it all depends if you want to participate in party politics or not.

When I first heard bout this Brexit thing, I thought, "Good for them!" Then I found out that it's not a done deal by any means. The referendum is a non binding resolution that must be ratified by Parliament. Then they have to negotiate with the EU people for about two years before anything material happens. By then the news media and the stock market will have forgotten about it, and the event, if it happens at all, will be barely noticed.  Another tempest in a teapot! Meanwhile, Scotland wants to stay in the EU, even if they have to leave the UK to do it. It wasn't so long ago that Scotland  voted on a referendum to leave the UK and it didn't pass, so now they're calling for a do over.

Your last post was a double so I took the liberty of deleting the one marked "draft". The last time that happened, I waited for you to do it and you never did.

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