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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Crazy Like a Fox

I see that Donald Trump went off the deep end again. Was he ever on the shallow end? Now he wants to ban all Muslims from the country. According to the polls, lots of people agree with him, a majority of the Republicans and even some of the Democrats. The establishment Republicans, and even some of the fringe candidates, are having fits about it, but nobody cares what they say anymore, it's all about Trump. Every time he drops a bomb like this he gets tons of free publicity, insuring that the spotlight remains on him, leaving the other candidates groping around in the shadows. Some famous person once said that there is no such thing as bad publicity, anything that puts your name on people's lips is good for your career. This seems especially true when the field is so crowded with competitors who are largely unknown to the general public. Ask anybody off the street how many of the Republican candidates they can name, and I bet that Trump is the first one that comes to most of them.

I still haven't discounted the possibility that the only reason Trump is running is to insure that Hilary gets elected. I don't know why he would want that to happen, maybe he's a closet liberal at heart. Some rich people are you know. If he gets the nomination, it will rend the Republican party asunder and, if he doesn't get the nomination, he might run on a third party and split the Republican vote. Either way, Hilary gets elected. Well, why not? We've had a handicapped president, a Catholic president, and a Black president, so why not a woman president? After that we can have a Hispanic president, a Muslim president, a gay president, a transgender president, an Eskimo president, the possibilities are endless.

Another item for the "Every time you think you've seen it all, you find out that you ain't seen nothing yet" department: So this lady wrote to Ann Landers (I don't know why I read that crap, I suppose because it's on the comics page in our paper.) Anyway, this lady wrote in to brag about her son, who used to be her daughter before he had this sex change operation. The lady was so proud that her son overcame all those obstacles to become the person he was always meant to be. Apparently changing genders is no walk in the park. She says that it was all worth it because now her son is happily married to another man. (I am not making this up!) So answer me this if you can: If this guy wanted to marry another man, why didn't he do that when he was still a woman? Wouldn't that have saved everybody concerned a lot of trouble? I think my hypothetical wife is right, we did too much weird stuff in the 60s, and now each generation has to go to farther extremes to top us. It's our generation's fault, we set the bar too high.

The guy called about my truck today. The parts came in, they will start the work tomorrow, and they should be done by Friday. Friday? Well it's a six hour job and you never know what problems might be encountered along the way, so he didn't want to promise that it would be done tomorrow.

I didn't go hunting today because I didn't feel so good this morning, so I slept most of the day away. It was a dark and rainy day, good sleeping weather. It's supposed to be more of the same tomorrow, so I don't know if I'll make it out there or not. That's how it is when you get old, it takes you longer to rest up that it took you to get tired.

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