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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Back At You

I don't mind checking out Face Book once a week like I do, but I wouldn't want a steady diet of it. I'd much rather spend my internet time doing the important work of the Institute. My daughter tells me that the attention span of the general public keeps getting shorter and shorter all the time, which might explain why we have no followers. Well, somebody needs to trim the wick and keep the lamp of knowledge shinning brightly in the wilderness. If we don't do it, who will? I am reminded of an old favorite hymn, I think it's called "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning": 
"Brightly gleams our Father's mercy from His lighthouse ever more,
But to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning, send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman you may rescue, you may save."

A membership card in a political party is hardly in the same class as a national I.D. When you think about it, though, what would be wrong with a national I.D.? It could be used for voting, cashing checks, and all kinds of things. Most of us use our driver's license for that stuff, but I understand that there are some people in this country who don't drive. It's not like everybody's name, address, and Social Security Number isn't already on file someplace. They even claim to know how many homeless people and illegal immigrants there are, so why shouldn't they be able to keep track of the law abiding citizens too? Privacy, shmivacy! If you're not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't care who knows about it.

According to Wiki, most Tea Party members consider themselves to be conservatives or libertarians, so it would not be surprising if I agreed with everything they said. Truth is, I don't know all that much about the Tea Party, and most of what I do know was obtained by looking it up on Wiki in response to your questions.

We haven't had a Christmas tree or put up any decorations since our daughter left home in 1988. We've got nothing against Christmas, it's just that it would be a lot of work for nothing, since nobody ever comes over, and you can't even see our house from the road where we live now. As we have gotten older, we have been looking for ways to make our lives easier, not harder. We don't even have a dog or cat anymore, it would be just one more thing to deal with.

We are going to our daughter's for Christmas on the 26th because she has to work on the 24th and our grand daughter and her boyfriend have to work on the 25th. So, if you aren't doing anything and want to write on the 24th or 25th, I'll be around. If not, have a happy holiday and see you next week.

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