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Friday, December 18, 2015

A classier name for yellow beer

Are you accusing my ilk of stealing elections?  Well we Chicagoans always get that rap, and probably for good reason, but since we are all dems we are just stealing it from each other.  There is that story about us stealing the 1960 election from Tricky Dick, but even if he had won Illinois, he still would have lost the election.  And speaking of stealing, what about the shenanigans the GOP pulled off in Florida in 1992, giving the election to Dimwit who embroiled us in the Mideast?  The Mideast may well have boiled over without us breaking Iraq, but we would not have been in the middle of it.

I was being sarcastic about the fat cats being rich, and what I was alluding to was there is likely some advantage to spending a gazillion dollars on a political campaign.  Didn't Obama say we needed smarter government?  Sounds more like the kind of thing he'd say.  But of course smarter is a relative thing.  Some people think smarter would be the rainbow coalition marching up and down the street singing songs of love, and some people think hiding out in the swamp with a big sack full of ammo would be smarter.  Different strokes for different folks as the song goes.

Soros was a republican boogeyman, but apparently not for long enough for you to have heard of him.  Maybe he was more of a Fox creation.  When Beck drew his diagrams there was always a prominent square with arrows coming out of it representing Soros.  But probably you never watched his lunatic hour.  It was something I tell you.

And I guess you never saw those costumed tea partiers on tv.  Really, it was all over tv.  Not likely we would have much of a tea party presence here in the true blue city of Chicago, but the more distant burbs are very right wing and I never hear anything about tea partiers attending meetings out there, and I don't see any of their letters from any tea party organizations in the newspapers.

Which I might say are dying.  It has nothing to do with somebody running them into the ground, they are losing out to that awful internet.  Newspapers will continue to shrink and go out of business and there is nothing to be done about it.

You know I heard NPR talking about Petosky yesterday, I came in at the end of it so I didn't get the whole story, but I got the impression that it was quite the hot spot in like the twenties.

And I looked up that Cheboygan craft brewery.  Maybe their Lighthouse Amber Ale is the beer that displeased you in that restaurant.  I would have gone with their IPA, and I see where they are coming out with an American pale ale.  That might be good.

I see from their history that there was a Cheboygan brewery way back when and at one point they brewed something called Bohemian beer,

Stroh's used to claim to be Bohemian beer, and I guess I drank my share of that, but really it never tasted any different from Budweiser or Millers or any of those beers that were all you could get before the golden age of beer that we live in now.

They have a name for yellow beer now.  Well they still call it lawnmower beer, but the classier name is American lager.  The next time you are in a classy Cheboygan restaurant to impress the hypothetical wife, who my guess is will not be impressed, you might inquire as to what they have in an American lager.  But your fondness for Milwaukee's Best makes me think you have discovered the truth about American lager/lawnmower/yellow beer which is that the cheapest one is the best one.

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