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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Take it With a Grain of Salt

I don't know where that expression came from.  I mean, what has salt got to do with it?  Nevertheless, I think that most people know that it means to believe that something might be true, or at least have some truth in it, but maybe not.  When you think about it, there is not much in this world of which you can be absolutely certain, the best you can hope for is to be reasonably certain.  Another way to look at it is that it's only important to believe something if you plan to take some sort of action because of it.  If you're not going to do anything about it, it doesn't really matter if you believe it or not.  Of course it's fun to speculate about things and discuss them with your friends, but the world is not going to come to an end if one of you fails to convince the other.  Some of the stuff you hear is propaganda, whoever originated it hopes to convince you to either do something or not do something, but other stuff is just put out there for entertainment, and it doesn't take much to entertain some people.

I still maintain that some people don't even make a distinction between truth and falsehood, between fantasy and reality, it's all the same to them.  I'm not sure what motivates them.  Maybe it just comes natural to them, or maybe it's a skill to be learned.  I can understand somebody lying for some defined purpose, but I don't understand people lying when there's nothing in it for them.  I've always believed that it's easier to tell the truth than to lie because then you don't have to remember what you said and worry about contradicting yourself.  I suppose, though, if you don't care if you contradict yourself, it doesn't matter.

I think I like the idea of double spacing between sentences.  Now if I can only remember to do it.

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