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Monday, May 28, 2018

Good Guy With a Gun

I can understand the insurance industry being worried about arming teachers or other school staff.  I agree that it would be better to have a police officer permanently assigned to each school.  I understand that they are doing that all over the country now, calling them "resource officers".  In some cases, one officer has to cover more than one school building, but that's still better than nothing.  In this latest case the teacher wasn't even armed, but he was a former football player who was more than a match for the seventh grade shooter.  One way or another, we need to start fighting back against those guys.

In our area, the tradition has long been that it's safe to plant your garden after Memorial Day, but that tradition dates back to when Memorial Day was always on May 30.  A better rule of thumb is to plant anytime after June 1, and then be prepared to deal with frost anyway.  Even if you don't get frost, anything planted before then is not likely to grow fast enough to make a difference.  You can plant a row of peas, which are impervious to frost, on May 15, and then plant another row right alongside it on June 15, and they will both be mature at about the same time.  

I don't know what to think about those UFO sightings.  There used to be a government agency that investigated reports of UFOs, but it was discontinued back in the 50s or 60s.  Some said that it was because the government didn't want people to know that there were space aliens among us because it would cause a panic, but I don't buy that.  Governments thrive on panic.  I think it's more likely that the space aliens are covering up for the government because they want to study us in our natural state.  If people knew exactly what the government is up to, there would be a panic.

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